Chapter 6

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Los Angeles, California



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"Come on baby, put your shoes on. Mommy doesn't want to be late for work."

Looking out the window I could see it was still pouring down. It had been raining since about three a.m. this morning. Looks like we're taking the bus today.

Walking towards the hallway closet, I grabbed mine and Kam's jacket. "You ready Kam?"

"Yeah mama, I'm ready." He said as he started running towards me.

"Here's your jacket okay, I'll be right back." I said as jogged towards my room to look for my apron and some loose change.

Within five minutes I was ready to go. Grabbing Kam's hand, we made our way out the apartment. Walking down the stairs we were met by Mr. Williams at the last step.

"Good morning Ms. Lauren." He said with a smirk. "Don't forget about that rent that's due today."

"I'll have your rent." I said as tried to walk past him.

Grabbing my arm, he stopped me in my tracks. "By the way, my office is closing at three today so I need the rent before then."

Snatching my arm out of his grasp I nodded my head with a tight smile.

"Just thought I'd let you know." He said as he walked away.

Shaking my head I picked up Kam, taking a deep breath as I looked at the rain. Making sure we had both our hoods on, I began jogging towards the bus stop. By the time we made it to the bus stop, the bus was just pulling up.

Staring out the window, I couldn't help but sigh. As if sensing my mood Kam kissed me on my cheek and laid his head on my shoulder. "Love you mama."

"I love you too baby." I said as I kissed his forehead. "So very much."

Flashback (5 years ago)

"Come on Lauren, I need you to push." The nurse said as she pushed my hair back from my face.

"It hurts, I can't." I said as I cried.

"Yes you can Lauren. On the next contraction I need you to push as hard as you can." She said as she grabbed squeezed my hand.

Taking a deep breath I nodded my head preparing myself to push. Within seconds my contraction hit. "Push as hard as you can." The nurse said.

Nodding my head, I began to push. The only thing I had on my mind was getting this baby out of me. Drowning out the noise around me, I began to push as hard as I could. What felt like hours, had only been minutes but within those minutes my baby was born.

"It's a boy!" The nurse said as she laid him on my chest.

As soon as he was put on my chest, it was as if all the air had been knocked out of me. Looking down at this baby I had created, I couldn't help the tears that fell. Taking a good look at him, I couldn't help but look at all his features. He was the most precious thing I had ever seen.

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