this is when parappa wanted to drive license. he got in the mooses car and began to drive. parappaa looked cleary tired with black circles under his eyes and he didn't blink for the entire stage. like he was focused on sothething. instead of waring a blue police outfit, moselini was wearing a orange pirsin suit. wiyth small trace of blood on it. the car was red instead of yelow. like the first rap, the symbols were off with the words being sad. by now the score text was getting a little glicvhy, in fact the hole game was getting kind of glichy with more distortion.
sometimes when parappa wouidl say things, the text would read "error 47653, please turn off the game and the console." the text would mess things up and have bad grammar and mispelings. when the var turned once, it hit a bomb and lacunhed it towards a buildings, blowing up the buildings. but none of the characters didn't care, they still lived about. by ow parappa was asleep but still driving the car I don't know how. the symbols on the screen were getting messed up bads, with jumbled X's and tuiangles and pluses and O's. i random,y pressed buttons and it would accept that. when I finly entered cool mode, moselini jumped out of the door and onto the cold hard road, intend of flying away. i was horrified and consufesd like is this a cured game or a darker unrelkeaded version of th gama. then the stage ended with mooose coming back and saying " yeah wahter get ya fackng lisense" then parpa replied with the normal thank you teachger. now parapa eyes were not tired any more. and he looked normal, but he had some blud stans from when mooselini killed herselffffffff.
another black screen came, but this time we were in parappas bedroom and he's hiding under the bed. i could see him say something, but I couldn't hear, it looked like he was saying "let me go". before the scene ended, there was a still shot of parappa smiling creppelly at me and it was kinda scary.
creepy parappa
when he got his driver lisnses, the photo was the same creepy parappa image that I saw. before. when he drive the car to his friends it was all normal the parappas dialogue was kinda slurred, indicating that he drank alchohaolol. i said "why would you drink ahclohol parappa it is bad for you" i was angry at him for doing such a thing. then he drive the car under the inflelve. the sun was beginning to set buting the original game it was dy. then parappt bagen to dayfdrean about killing them all... oh no and in his daydream he had crazy sharp teeth and sharp claws that he use to kill katy and pj and sunny. then he crashed into a car and the case blew up instantly and katy flew out and got stabbed ona pole and died. parappa was silent and didn even say I gotta belive. pj was staring at the ground intently with unblinking eyes almost like the radiohead logo bear.
the save screen was just parappa with the tired face in the stage 2 rqape.