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??? Pov

Ehty rewe lal tlakgin ihtw ehca htero. I ekwn eryvehitgn bauto hemt. I utsj ndee to letl mtesar. Hety fudno su. Eh wlli ton eb pelasde.


Clay's pov

It was kinda late so we went to bed. I hardly slept after my nightmare I had yesterday.

When we woke up we ate breakfast. While we were doing so the doorbell rang. I went to open the door and I saw that my package had arrived. Nice.

It was 3 different huge boxes. I pulled them inside and went back in the kitchen.

"The equipment is here."

"Oh, nice!"

"Now can you explain the full plan?"

"Yes. After we eat."



We were all sitting in the living room, and I brought one of the boxes.

"The equipment has everything because we aren't the only ones discovering paranormal activity around here and in general. We have a map formed into this GPS. Wherever we pass from, this map will remember the surroundings. For example, will show the trees, hills and others."

" Oh that's cool"


"We have super intelligent antennas that will show on the map we're everyone is. We don't want to split up. We have this big backpacks. We also have laser guns in case we get attached by something. There are many more small gadgets that I will tell you about later. Oh, another important thing, we have suits to protect from several things. Something like armor. "

" Nice"

"Oh, how dangerous will that be...."

"A lot"

"Yeah I mean the creature did say it was dangerous. For it to be trying to keep us out means we will be facing extremely hard challenges on our journey."

"Well, at least it's for a good reason"

"We will have a camera on our shoulder all the time so we record everything."

"Oh, why?"

"Don't we need to show the world what's in the forest?"

"Well I guess that's true...."

"Let's go check the camera for one last time."

We opened my house door and went to the forest. We saw the camera there. We grabbed it and as we were walking out I hear some leaves shuffling. I turn around and see the same Shadow creature. I signal the others. They turn around and see the creature.

" Don't. Move. An inch."

The creature looks at us and comes closer. It comes near me and looks at me like..... Scanning me?

It then raises its hand. It comes so close to me. I could feel the coldness leaving its body. It's eyes were locked with mine and it was terrifying.

Nick opens the cameras flashlight and the creature covers it eyes. It then backs up and turn to leave almost running. Before it gets lost in the forest it turns around and yells?


Its voice almost turned into a screech. We understood what it said though.

It then turned around and disappeared into the forest.

" Tell me you recorded all this? "

" I did"

"Can we please go home for now? That thing was right in front of me. 2 inches apart. Holy f*ck"

"Yeah, let's go"

We slowly walked over to my house and watched the footage. Again, the creature was just siting there looking at the camera.

This was getting weirder and weirder by every second that passed.

What did the creature mean that He wanted to destroy everything. Who was it referring to?

I asked for the others opinion but they also didn't have any clue.

Maybe it meant his leader or a stronger creature. I can't be sure but I don't know what to expect.

"Guy's we also have super huge and strong flashlights. Wear your equipment. We are going in"


The forest |DISCONTINUED|Where stories live. Discover now