Chapter Nineteen

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Five years.

Five years had gone by since you last saw your boyfriend and your best friend. It made you hurt like nothing you've ever experienced before. You moved back into the avengers facility along with Nat. You spent your days training, watching T.V, not to forget reading. You went through books faster than Nat's ever seen anyone read. You also got into music. When you weren't reading, training, or watching T.V, you were staring at a wall or window listening to music. Most of the time it was music from the 40's or 50's, occasionally you would listen to musical numbers.

You also went over to Tony's a couple times a week. He forgave you and started treating you like family. When Morgan came into their lives, you fell in love with her the moment you saw her. You treated her like a little sister. She called you 'Auntie Y/N' and she loved when you came over. Every time she greeted you by screaming, 'Auntie Y/N!' and tackled you in a hug. Pepper was also so loving and caring when you came by, almost like a mother.


After Thor killed Thanos, which you were thankful for despite everyone, including yourself, being angry for not getting the stones, everyone just split up. You really only kept in contact with Nat, the Stark's, and Steve, who popped by every couple of days.

Every thing was gloomy and..dead.. since the snap. It took a while but you finally accepted that they weren't coming back. And that was your life. Every single day passed by for five years, and nothing changed until one fateful day.



I walked into the avengers facility to check up on Natasha and Y/N, like I do multiple times a week. It was dark from the entry way so I assumed they were in the living room. I walked in and sure enough Nat was sitting at a desk, her feet propped up on it, staring out the window.

"Did you come to wash your clothes?" She turned to face me.

"And to see some friend's." I grinned. I saw tears in her eyes and my grin quickly faded.

"If your going to tell me to 'look on the bright side', I'm about to hit you in the head with a peanut butter sandwich." She grinned.

I shook my head, "Ok, Ok."

"You should go see Y/N. She's probably in her room watching Once Upon A Time." She told me. I just nodded and headed up stairs.



You were watching Jefferson and his daughter Grace, your two favorite characters in Once Upon A Time, reunite for the 14th million time. You were sobbing like have every time you watched that episode. You had an unexplainiable love for the show and Jefferson and Grace in particular. Their story always made you cry. Your eyes, flooding with tears, were glued to the T.V screen in your room. It was a fairly large room with very modern furniture. Large bed with black blankets, a hammock over by a bookshelf filled with every book you could imagine. Nice large windows overlooked trees that stretched for miles and miles on end. Finally, you had a guitar over by your nice flat screen T.V.

You, still looking at the T.V, didn't even notice Steve until he walked over and crouched down by the side of your bed.

"Why watch the episode again, for the the millionth time, if you know your going to cry?" He asked, brushing some tears off your cheek with him thumb.

"I can't help that their reuniting is both very sad and very beautiful. Their also two of my favorite characters and I love this episode." You said. He just nodded and crawled into the bed next to you so he could wrap his arms around you.

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