Part 1: The Start of a New Life

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Our world ended, just like that, in a blink of an eye. All I could hear were cries and screams of people pleading for their life. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move. My home is gone forever. Where will we go now? It feels like we have been in this ship forever. The captain says there is a planet that is similar to our planet. They call it Earth. I don't want something similar to my planet. I want Planet Saruta back! The Captain says Earth is beautiful and is surrounded by water. And that it has all sorts of weather. Something called snow? It's supposed to be white and fall from the sky.

"Astra... Astra!"

My mind finally focused. I looked over and saw my mother staring at me. "Are you okay sweetie? You haven't talked for days" Has it really been days? Wow. I guess I'm just so stunned after all the events that have taken place.

"I'm fine mom, just a little tired from everything I guess." I said as I took a deep breathe.

"I know it's hard, but we will be okay. This Earth place sounds very interesting! I think we will enjoy living there!" Mom was trying to be joyful in the situation. Gosh I admire her for her confidence! I smiled at her and continued to look out the window where my planet used to exist, all that was left were a bunch of little stars in the sky, and it was like it never existed.

"Mom" I whispered.

"Yes Astra?" She responded in a calm voice.

"How long will it take to reach Earth?" I tried to make my question sound like I could care less about Earth, but to be honest, this spaceship was killing me, and I was starting to smell like a dying cow.

"We should be there tomorrow." Mother responded as she handed me a glass of hot soup.

"Drink Up! We wouldn't want you to die!" Mom said while smiling at me trying to hold back a laugh.

She always thinks she is so funny! I smiled and thanked her for the soup. One day left in this ship. I can do this!

"Wake up Astra! Wake Up! We're arriving right now!" Mom was so energetic! I've never seen her so excited to be somewhere before! I looked out the window and saw Earth. It was just like the captain said. Blue covered the planet. It was beautiful! I've never seen anything like it before.

The Captains voice came over the intercom, "Attention everyone, we are arriving to planet earth! This planet is highly protected by a species they call Humans. I must warn you once we enter Earth these humans will be able to track us and will try to find us. Once we land you will need to abort the ship and hide as soon as possible. If you get far enough from the space craft they will not be able to spot you. We look very similar to their kind so try to blend in with these humans."

I turned to my mother and asked her "How does he know all of this?"

"It's called a scanning probe. Once we get close to a planet the scanner is able to tell us the dangers, species, and life on that planet." Mother replied.

Wow, the Captain is serious about this! I wonder what these humans look like. He said they look similar to us. I looked down at my pale white skin. Is it possible that we really could look similar? Will I really be able to blend in with these humans? My stomach started to twist and turn. Oh my gosh am I nervous? I started to breathe heavy and couldn't seem to stop.

My mother noticed and started to stroke my long curly brown hair saying

"Everything will be okay, I promise"

My stomach started to calm down. Those words reminded me of when I was a seven years old. I remember the big tall man in a black suit coming to our door talking to mother. I remember her crying on the staircase. I asked her what was wrong and she told me that Dad wouldn't be coming home anymore, that he went to a better place. A tear fell down my face.

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