Part 6: Surfs Up

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Cali was there sitting on a chair eating a bag of chips.

"Hey Stra!"

I didn't even see Dillan. He was running up to shore from the ocean.

"Ready to hit some waves?" he asked.

"Yeah, but I don't have a board" I told him.

"That's okay! This here is Josh, he makes surf boards and I had him make one for you!" Cali said excitedly.

I looked over at Josh. He was a little shorter than Dillan and had Curly Golden hair. He looked like he had been out in the sun for a while. He was tan for the most part but I noticed some red spots on his chest and shoulders. He walked over to Cali and gave her a kiss on the lips then looked up at me.

"Hey Astra, Cali has told me so much about you! I'm Dillan's best friend and Cali's boyfriend."

Well, that explains the kissing.

"It's nice to meet you Josh. Um, thanks for my board." I told him.

"No probs! It should ride pretty well out there!" Josh said.

"Okay! Get out on that water and show me some moves!" Cali said giving me a push towards the ocean with her legs.

Josh handed me the board and Dillan was waiting for me by the water.

"Let's go Stra!" he yelled.

I stuck my tongue out at him and started to run towards the ocean. We entered the water then stopped once the water reached our knees.

"Okay, now you're going to lay on your board Stra" Dillan said while getting onto his board.

I started to flop my tiny body onto the board.

"Nice! You did that pretty well." Dillan said.

"Now you're going to use your arms and start to paddle out past these waves. I usually push my board under the wave so I go under it. It makes it easier."

He showed me an example and I started to do the same thing. Once we got out of the current we sat on our boards and waited for a big wave to come.

"So, I bet you ten bucks you fall before I do." Dillan said reaching his hand out to mine.

"Oh, well I bet you twenty bucks I kick your butt at this." I said.

I shook his hand and the bet was on, even though I was unsure of myself.

"Ha Ha you're on Stra! Here comes a good wave get ready!"

I started to lay on my stomach and swim towards the shore. Once I felt the wave get a hold of me I started to pull myself up onto the board and stand up.

"Ah! I'm riding the wave" I yelled!

I could hear Cali and Josh cheering on the shore. I looked over and saw Dillan riding the wave with me. He looked over and was amazed that I got up on my first try. He started to lose his balance and fell backwards! I started to laugh and started to feel wobbly. Then I realized I was going down too! I fell backwards and hit the water. Once I was under water I started to swim up to the surface and grab my board. I looked over at Dillan who was swimming towards me and shouted

"You owe me twenty bucks!"

He smiled,

"How about I owe you a date" He responded.

A date? I've never been on a date.

"You and me. Monday night! I will show you the best of this town" He yelled.

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