Another big step

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"YOU DID WHAT?" Jimin tried not to shout but was whispering intensely 

"It was wasn't something I was thinking about at the moment"

I stared at him pursing my lips and in disbelief. This man had sex with others before me. How often did he forget to wear protection? 

"Were you thinking about it when you had sex with other people?"

"All of them weren't drunk and rushing me~!!"

I tilted my head... Raising an eyebrow at the words he had just fixed his lips to say

"Oh so now it's my fault?"

"Well I won't put the full blame on you but you did drink liquor in my office without permission and with a low tolerance."

"Oh wow, just impregnate the people who get drunk in your office."

"No one has ever been bold enough to do that!! I'm a CEO for fucks sake"

"I don't care if you are the king of England I COULD BE PREGNANT."


"well yes but still this is huge babe. I could be PREGNANT this is not something we can shrug off this is serious" I pouted and he leaned down connecting his lips with mine.

"I know but this is what happens when you do reckless things kitten~"

he was right... and I hated it

"Whatever can we please go see what's wrong with me after we check on Ms.Amanda, We are going to talk about this later." 

"Alright fine"

We headed to her room and of course, he wrapped his hand around mines as we walked in seeing her on the bed.

"Jimin... what a surprise."

"Hello Ms.Amanda how are you doing"

"Well jimin, I miss my bed."

Taehyung went to kiss her forehead placing a gentle hand on the boy in her stomach

"You waited for me, little brother."

"You have a soft spot for this type of thing huh babe?"

"babe? you guys are dating?"

"yes eomma"

"How sweet"

" Eomma have you decided on a name"

"Actually I have, I'll tell you later though"

"I'm waiting for the moment to come."

"Taehyung... will you sing to me. It always made me feel better"

"of course" he sat in the chair next to ms. Amanda and began singing a melodious Tune that filled the air with a healing and calming aura...

"That was beautiful as always," she said to him looking in his eyes.

I kissed the top of his head clearing my throat.

"you didn't tell me you could sing."

"you liked it then?"

"I did ~"

and surprising him I sang as well. this time a vibrant tone, calming.

"wow both of you can sing"

They were interrupted by cries coming from Ms.Amanda

"baby is coming!!!"

She officially went into labor she was having the baby now. Me and Taehyung went into a different office to see a doctor wanting to get tested.

Strip for me: Vmin FFWhere stories live. Discover now