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George liked wearing dresses. He felt more comfortable in dresses and skirts , compared to sweats and t's. It just made him feel more like himself in every way. But he was worried that his boyfriend, Clay, would think of him as too girly and weird for it. So he just didn't tell him.
George always wore sweat pants with a baggy shirt when Clay was home, but when he had a work meeting, or went out with friends every once and a while, the Brit would wear something more feminine.

The seasons were just starting to change into autumn. George was chilling on the couch, waiting for Clay to leave for a YouTube meeting that would run the whole day. As the blond entered the room, George perked up, running over to trap his boyfriend in a big hug. " Have a great day Clay." George said warmly, then kissed his boyfriend on the cheek, and Clay chuckled slightly from the cute affection.
        " Aww, you too babe. I'll miss you." The blond responded, kissing his boyfriend on the tip on the nose. " I'll see you tonight sweetie." Clay said, giving the brunet one more hug before walking out the front door of their shared apartment. " See you tonight!" George waved cheerfully, as the Floridan left the house.
The Brit smiled to himself, god my boyfriend is so cute He said in his head.
        Once he was sure the blond left, George went to the bedroom, and took out a knee-high, pastel blue dress, that was covered in little daisies, from the back of the closet. He slid it over his head, onto his body and looked in the mirror. The Brit nodded at his reflection in approval, then headed towards the kitchen.
        He decided to bake some muffins, to pass the time until his boyfriend got home. George pulled up a recipe for carrot muffins and got to work, but first pinned his bangs up in a clip with a daisy on it to match his outfit.
Mixing the flour and sugar with milk and eggs, then adding some little pieces of fresh carrot as a surprise. He plopped then into the oven and and set the timer for twenty minutes, and started to wash his dishes from baking. Just as he finished washing the last measuring cup, the timer dinged, signalling that the muffins were ready. George pulled out the pan and set it on the counter top, slowly taking out the muffins to put on a cooling wrack to ice them. He put a little swirl of icing in the middle of each muffin for extra flavour and sweetness, then smiled at his work.
         After the brunet finished, he started to clean the house quickly, in hopes of impressing Clay, and making him happy after a boring meeting. As he finished sweeping the sitting room floor, the front door pushed opened to reveal a tired looking blond.
         Brown eyes met green, and George froze. He'd forgot Clay was coming home early today, so he hadn't changed out of the dress yet. Once George realized the situation, he bolted to his and Clay's shared bedroom, and shut the door.
Falling to his knees, the brunet started to cry. Clay isn't going to love me anymore. He thinks I'm weird. Was all George was thinking, just making the tears fall faster.
        Then there was a quiet knock on the door. It creaked open with Clay leaning on the door frame slightly. " Oh George." The blond breathed out in sadness, as he sat beside the Brit, rubbing circles on his back.
         After a few minutes George's sobs turned into quiet sniffles. " I-I'm sorry." The brunet croaked out, his voice hoarse from crying. Clay felt awful to see his boyfriend so upset and broken looking. " Don't be sorry, George, it's okay." The Floridan said softly, " I'm not mad."
" H-how can you not be mad!!" George cried, putting his face in his hands. " Because George. I love you for you, and nothing could change that." Clay said softly, then pulled the older in for a hug. " Why don't we go have some of those delicious muffins you made and talk about this." The blond said, standing up and holding his hand down for George to take.
George hesitantly took Clay's hand, and stood up. They started walking out of the room when George stopped. " Y-your really not mad at me?" The brunet questioned, his voice filled with sadness and worry.
        Clay turned and looked into the shorter male's eyes, a sad expression on his face. " No George, I'm not mad." The blond said reassuringly, and George continued walking to the kitchen. " Plus you look pretty hot in a dress, so...." Clay trailed off playfully, and George turned around, lightly hitting the blond of the shoulder. " Oh my god, Clay." The Brit said, shaking his head as he left the room.
        " What? It's true!" The Floridan said defensively, chuckling softly as he followed the brunet out of the room.

Once they both made it to the kitchen, George passed Clay one of the carrot muffins and took a bite of his own, not looking up from the floor. The room felt awkward, and tense compared to before.
" Sooooo......." Clay trailed off, not knowing how to start. Another  moment of awkward silence went bye. " Um, so.... how, um, long.." Clay trailed off again. He didn't want to make George feel uncomfortable or upset again, so he wasn't sure what to say. " About a month." The brunet said quickly and quietly, and Clay felt bad for not knowing something was off sooner, but he just hummed in response.  " And I would have told you sooner, I promise, but I was just really scared that you would think I'm too girly, or not like me anymore because of it, and I really love you and don't want to loose you."  George said quickly, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
        " George. I love you no matter what." Clay said, grabbing the brunets hands in his. "- and I want you to be comfortable with telling me anything, because I will always support you. I love you, George." Clay said passionately, then brought the smaller into another hug. " Your wearing a hair pin." The blond noticed.
" Oh sorry, I forgot to take it out after baking." George said as he reached up to take off the pin, but Clay grabbed the other's hand before he could touch it, and the brunet looked into the blond's eyes, confused.
" I like it." Was all Clay said before taking his hand away. George's eyes went wide as a soft blush appeared on his face.
        " You know, that dress looks really good on you." The Floridan remarked, sliding his hands down to the shorter's hips, making him blush harder. " You look cute, George." The blond whispered in the other's ear, sending chills down the Brit's spine. Clay lingered there for a moment, before slowly connecting his lips with George's. The kiss was short and passionate, yet soft and sweet at the same time.
         After a few seconds Clay pulled away and smiled at the man in front of him.
         " Thank you for accepting me Clay. It means a lot, really." George said sweetly, giving a warm smile. " I love you."
        " I love you too George." The blond replied,  giving the brunet a soft peck on the lips.
         " Now, do you have any other cute dresses you could show me? I would love a fashion show." Clay said, giving a playful grin.
        George smirked slyly in reply" I even have a pair of thigh-high stockings." He whispered, turning away and walking towards the bedroom, making Clay's eyes go wide and his face turning beat red.
         In the end, everyone lived happily ever after! The end!

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