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In less than two days, George would be going to visit Dream in Florida for the first time.
The two youtubers had been planning this for a few months, and it was finally the day before they would meet each other. To say the least George was nervous, what if Dream thought he was different in real life? But that didn't stop him from packing his bags with an excited smile.

—- Time Skip —-

          George was anxiously waiting at the entrance of the airport for a tall blond man in a yellow-ish hoodie to show up. He started getting impatient before he heard a voice from behind and was brought into a hug. "George!!!!!"  A sweet voice said. " Dream?!" The Brit said excitedly, turning around to be met with a tall blond, with slightly tanned skin and freckles. " Yes!!" The blond reassured enthusiastically.
" Oh my god it's so great to see you!" George said excitedly, a big smile coming to his face. " It's great to see you too!" Dream replied happily. " Here, my car's this way." The blond said, walking towards the parking lot.

         " So how was the flight?" Dream asked as he pulled out of the parking lot. " It was fine. But this kid kept crying and the mom couldn't quiet him down for a while, so that was annoying." The Brit complained, looking out the window at the passing buildings and stores.

—- Sorry another time skip —-

         Dream turned the key to his house, and pushed the door open as a dramatic reveal. It was a big home for one person, with a fancy, modern design. " Are you hungry?" The blond asked, setting his keys on the small table next to the door. " Eh, a little." George said, still amazed by how nice the Floridan's house was.
         " You wanna order pizza for dinner and watch a movie or something?" Dream asked, taking his shoes off and walking inside, George then followed suit.
" Yeah, pizza and movie sounds good." The Brit said, walking into the sitting room. "Oh right! You can put your bags in the guest room, this way!" The blond said, practically bouncing towards the hallway.
          The guest room was really nice, with a bed in the middle and two beside tables, a closet, and some shelves in the corner; opposite from the bed and door.
          "Is this good enough for the king?" Dream asked jokingly, and George looked at the younger with his brows frowned. " Of course it is!" The Brit said, offended from the other's words, making the blond laugh. "George I was just kidding." He said, " Oh and is pepperoni pizza fine, or would you rather something else?" The Floridan added, and got a "No, pepperoni is good." as reply.

" George, pizza is here!!!" Dream yelled from the other room, then heard light thuds coming down the hall.
          " Netflix is already set up if you wanna watch something while we eat?" The blond asked as the other entered, placing the pizza on the coffee table. " Yeah, sure." George said, sitting down on the couch and leaning on the arm rest.
Dream took one of the two large pizza's for himself, making George laugh. " What?!" He asked defensively, and the brunet just chuckled while shaking his head. " Are you really gonna eat all of that?" He asked, out of breath from laughing. " Hey, I need my food!" The blond said in return, making the other break out laughing again.
" So what kind of movie should we watch?" Dream asked, taking a bite of pizza. "Anything is fine." The Brit replied, grabbing a slice of food for himself.
" How bout The Nun?" The blond asked mischievously, hovering over the play button. "Yeah sure, it seems interesting." George said, unfazed by the horrifying creature in the picture. ( Anyone else find The Nun to be boring and not scary?)

About half way through the movie, Dream put his arm around the older's neck, and went close to the his ear, " You scared Georgie?" He whispered in a low voice, making the other jump and shiver. " Don't do that!" The Brit scowled, lightly smacking the other's shoulder.
" Why not?" The blond asked, sadness evident in his voice. " Sorry, but I'm really tired and am going to bed for the night." George said quickly, standing up and walking towards the hall.
Before he could make it to his room, George was suddenly pinned to the wall. "Do you not enjoy me being this close to you, Georgie?" The taller asked seductively, making the other's eyes widen in shock.
" Dream stop. You don't know what you're doing." The Brit said sternly, his hands shaking of fear.
The blond hummed as if he was in thought. " I know exactly what I'm doing Georgie, and I would rather be called Nightmare." He whispered deeply, a smirk on his lips.
         " Please get off of me!" The older pleaded desperately.
         The Floridan's face softened a bit, and he stepped back. " If you don't want anything with me, I won't force it. But you are missing out." He said, a smirk forming on his face once again.
George scampered to his room and practically slammed the door shut, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. He didn't know how to feel about that encounter in the hallway.
It sent fear through his entire body, but also made butterflies spin in his stomach at the same time. It confused the brunet to say in the least.

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