Subject: Eijirou Kirishima

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"Ok! Kiri's turn to spin the bottle!" Mina shouted excitedly as she jumped over to the red head. He sat awkwardly on the couch with a hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"Do I really have to do this?" His eyes searched the circle of U.A. students as they each shook their heads.

"If we had to take part in this trivial game then so do you my friend." Tokoyami piped up from his spot across the room. The bird boy clearly was not enjoying himself but had been forced to stay by Mina and the other girls.

"Well...Guess it wouldn't be very manly if I chickened out." Kirishima reached forward and spun the bottle on the table.

You watched it spin with pure anxiety bubbling in your chest. You couldn't bear the thought of your crush going into a dark closet with someone else! And even worse! What if it landed on you!? You think you would faint before you even got to the closet.

You had little chance of it landing on you though since your class had invited 1-B to play with you guys as well which gave you a one in forty chance of having it land on you.

You tensed up as the bottle slowed and the point faced you. Suddenly, you became a blushing mess as all the girls from 1-A began to coo and the boys hollered in triumph. Kirishima looked up at you and you noticed a slight dust of pink on his cheeks.

You were quickly dragged to the closet by Kaminari and Sero as all the girls shoved Kiri in. When the door was closed you quickly checked the time.

You can do this...It's only seven minutes after all.

"So... Wanna play truths till time runs out?" Luckily for you Kirishima had decided to start the conversation.

"S-sure." Did you seriously just stutter? What the frick...

"K so I'll go first. Have you ever wanted to kiss someone?" Your body became frigid as the words came out of his mouth. For some reason you hadn't been expecting him to get straight to the point like that. That is what most people thought you should be doing here after all.

"Umm...And if I have?" You looked over in his direction. It was dark so you were only able to see the outline of his form but it still made you blush.

"Then I guess that's a yes! Your turn to ask me a question." You could feel him smiling even though you couldn't really see his face that well.

"Umm...I'm not very good at these things." You said with a small laugh, "I guess I will ask you the same questio-" Your words were cut short as soft lips pressed against your own.

Shocked, you moved without knowing and pushed him off.

"S-sorry." He stuttered, "I got lost in the moment and I- umm well I have always liked you and I thought that kinda answered the question so." It was weird to see Kiri stumbling over his words like this. He had never viewed it as manly so he was always thinking about what he was gonna say before he said it.

After getting over the shock of what just happened you felt you had to do something. Quickly, you reached your hands out and grabbed his collar.

He let out a hey as you pulled him back to yourself and connected your lips once more. He was shocked but not as much as you had been and it surprised you how quickly he had started kissing back.

In between your kisses he would let out sweet little nothings like "I love you" and "You're so beautiful." It made your heart flutter as you heard his quiet words. At some point you had moved closer together and you ended up straddling his lap as you continued to kiss.

You quickly lost track of time as you lost yourselves in the moment. Only when the door swung open with a gust of wind did you come back to reality. You swiftly pushed yourself off of Kirishima and looked at who was standing at the doorway. There you saw Mina, Kaminari, and Sero.

Mina was smiling and quickly snapping pictures while Sero had collapsed to the floor laughing. Kaminari just stood there in pure shock as he realized just what was going on.

Only when you looked back as Kirishima did you notice why Sero was laughing so much. You had been running your hands through his hair so much that it had become a huge mess.

Some of it was still in its proper spot but others were sticking all over the place while some of it had just straight up fallen down.

"What's so funny?" He asked as we continued to laugh. Mina then walked up to him and showed him a picture of his hair and he let out a strangled sound of dismay.

"Are you kidding me?!" He quickly pulled his hood over his head and looked down at you. Smiling slyly he then scooped you up in his arms and yelled, "I'm taking this one to time out!" He walked towards the stairs of the dorm room but stopped as soon as you were on the 4th floor.

This was where both of your dorms were. He set you down on the floor in front of your room but before you could open the door he gripped both of your hands and pulled you back to him. Kissing once again, you couldn't help but let out a soft moan.

After you separated you whispered your good nights and went to your own dorms to get some sleep. Ready for the weeks of cuddling and kissing to come.

Hey ya'll! I'm having a bit of a writers block on my other story and want to do something short and simple. Comment which character you want a seven minutes of next and I'll get it done! 


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