Subject: Denki Kaminari

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"Well...This is awkward." Kaminari stared at you from the other side of the closet. He had thought it would be fun to pull a prank on Bakugou. He had heard that Bakugou was gonna grab something from the closet so he had grabbed your wrist and ran into the small room.

He wanted to jump out at Bakugou when the blonde opened the door but knew he would need someone's help to escape the boy's wrath. What he hadn't thought about was the closet locking on them and not being able to leave. Throw in the fact that Bakugou never came to the closet and everything was just a mess.

Kaminari glanced over at you yet again. You could tell that he was trying to see how angry you were but you kept your face completely straight. You could really be unreadable if you wanted. You also knew that not being able to read you would make Kaminari squirm.

He was always super social and had lots of friends but that was always because he could tell what others were thinking. Most people find him stupid, annoying, or just a straight up f-boy but you knew better. He was always paying attention to his friends, he was a bringer of joy for them.

Bakugou knew this as well when he had Kaminari make the whole class laugh when we first moved into the dorms.

"You know, being in this situation with anyone else some would say it was romantic." You scoffed at the blonde's remark. Of course he would say something like that. He was uncomfortable and that was his defense mechanism. That is what caused everyone to think he was just a flirt. He would make statements like that.

"Ya ya. Super funny." You dead panned. You semi enjoyed seeing the boy be uncomfortable. To tell the truth you had liked him for quite a while. When you first met him you couldn't let go of how he could be a perv sometimes. You looked at him like everyone outside of 1-A did. Like he was nothing more than a horny teenage boy.

Then you got to know him. You realized that he was really just a big dork. He would complain every time you were with the squad and beat him at Mario Kart. After that you would make a remark about how he just needs to practice before he tackles you out of the chair to grab your controller, trying to sabotage the race. This ends up resulting in him beating you but the goofy smile on his face was worth it.

You hated when he hung out with Mineta because those were the only times he really acted pervy. Mineta was a really bad influence and you couldn't help but want to strangle the grape headed boy.

It would always wear off though. Kaminari would soon be back to himself and you would fall for him yet again.

"Hmmm...While we're in here might as well kiss, right?" That remark caused you to give him a swift punch to the arm. It was annoying when he did this though. Especially since you knew every time he said something like that it was just a joke.

You were constantly reminding yourself of that so you wouldn't accidentally take him seriously one of these times. If you did that then he might freak and become distant towards you. You had worked hard to become one of his best friends and you weren't about to give that up now.

"What was that for?!" Kaminari asked while wincing.

"For acting stupid." You replied. You were sick of him playing with your feelings like that even if he didn't know he was doing it.

"What do ya mean stupid!?" Losing your patience you whip around to face him. His gold eyes flash with shock while you stare daggers at him.

"I mean stupid, meaning messing around. One of these days someone is going to take you seriously when you say something like that and then you'll be stuck looking like an idiot." Your voice was cold as you spoke to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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