1 - Illicit

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I looked at my watch again, then resumed pacing the motel room. Fucking bitch was late. My rage, seething for weeks, threatened to finally erupt.

Sitting down in a chair, I took a couple deep breaths. Natalie and I had called it quits again. We'd been going back and forth with each other for years now. This time I swore we were done for good. I was almost fifty years old and tired of this shit. Enough.

I'd called up a girl from my past, to fuck and forget Nat. She read more into me coming back than there was and next thing I knew I was dealing with another hysterical female. After which I'd been hesitant to call any of my other past fuck buddies. So I tried picking up some random hot chick and she turned out to be all sorts of fatal attraction crazy.

Out of desperation I'd finally resorted to a discreet service some of the guys used. It seemed the best way to avoid complications. Now here I was waiting on some fucking whore. My rage rocketed up again. Fuck this. I was outta here.

Yanking the door open, I barreled out. Right into someone.

"Oh!" she squealed as I grabbed to keep her from falling.

My fingers tightened on her arms as I looked her over. She was certainly dressed down for an escort, in just jeans and a t-shirt, not much makeup. But I had asked for a girl-next-door type. She was cute, with dark blond hair and freckles across her nose. My eyes travelled lower, taking in her banging curves.

"You're late," I snarled.

"Excuse me?" she asked, looking up at me and trying to pull away. Then I saw recognition on her face. "You're Em – "

"Yeah, yeah," I muttered as I shoved her into the room and shut the door.

"What the hell are you doing?" She glared at me, hands on hips.

"Really? I gotta spell it out for an escort?" I spat.

"You're a dick," she said and moved around me to leave.

I pushed her against the door and pressed my forearm across her throat. Her eyes grew wide as she looked up at me.

Keeping her pinned, I smashed my lips against hers, forcing my tongue into her mouth. She tasted sweet and smelled like roses. When I finally pulled back, her lips were puffy.

"I don't wanna talk. I just wanna fuck," I said. "Okay?"

She stared at me for a long moment before nodding.

I stepped back and tugged my hoodie and t-shirt off. I was unbuckling my belt when I noticed she hadn't moved.

"I'm fine with you taking your own clothes off," I said, tossing condoms from my pocket onto the bed, before sliding my jeans down and stepping out of them. Dumping everything on a chair, I added my bracelet and watch to the pile. Turning, I saw she was still fully clothed.

What the fuck? Rage bubbled up again. Stalking over, I stood close to her.

"Take 'em off bitch," I ordered.

Her chin raised slightly as her eyes narrowed, making my dick hardened.

"No need to be rude."

"I'm not paying to be nice."

Slowly she pulled her t-shirt over her head and tossed it. She didn't unbutton her jeans, just slid them down her hips and kicked them aside. I let my eyes wander over her black lace bra and panties. Very sexy.

Reaching around, I undid her bra and exposed her breasts. She stiffened as I ran my hands over them, finding the nipples with my fingers. After playing a moment, I lowered my mouth. Kissing and sucking, I made my way to the nipple. Gently I ran my teeth over it and she moaned.

What the fuck was I doing? This was supposed to be about me. Didn't matter if she enjoyed it. I stepped back and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"On your knees," I said. "Suck my dick."

She looked like she might refuse, then saluted. "Sir. Yes sir!"

I hid a smile as she knelt between my legs and ran her nails along my thighs.

Sliding in and out of her mouth felt so good. The rage receded and I began to relax. My hands moved to her head, forcing my dick further down her throat. Groaning, I considered busting right now. Why not skip her more than likely worn out snatch?

Nah, I needed to pound out the remaining rage. Yanking her head back, I slid my dick free.

"Stand up."

She stood, putting my face was even with her pussy. The material between her legs was soaked through. The bitch was getting off on this. Slowly I ran one finger over the wet spot and she shivered. Sliding my fingers under the sides of her panties, I ripped them off.


I glared up at her. "Ya got something to say?"

"I suppose the customer is always right," she sighed dramatically, rolling her eyes.

I laughed, surprised by her humor. "Good answer."

Pushing her down onto the bed I grabbed a foil package.

"Hope you like it rough," I said, rolling the condom over my dick.

"Does it matter if I say no?" she grinned.

"Nope," I said. "Spread those legs for me."

She hesitated as I knelt on the bed. Impatient, I forced her legs apart and moved over her. Her hands clutched my biceps as I lined my dick up with her pussy. Pushing in, I grunted and looked down. Damn she was tight! Not at all what I expected from a whore.

Forcing my dick in further, she squirmed beneath me, trying to adjust. I went slowly until I was all the way in. God she felt good! Beginning to thrust, I enjoyed the snugness rubbing the length of my shaft. I wish I could fuck her bare. The feeling would be out of this world.

Her breath became heavy as her nails dug into my arms. I looked down in surprise, feeling her pussy spasm around me as she came.

"What the fuck? I barely touched you!"

Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. "I'm sorry. It - it's been a while," she whispered.

"Since you've fucked?" I asked. "Ya been on vacation or something? Do escorts take vacations?"

She shoved me hard and I tumbled back, my wet dick sliding free.

"Are we talking or are we fucking?" she asked, mimicking me.

Bitch! I wanted back in that pussy.

Flipping her over, I smacked her ass before slamming back into her. She gasped, then moaned. Digging my fingers into her hips, I pounded into her as hard as I could. Every frustration I felt over my failed relationship with Natalie was taken out on this girl.

She said something I didn't hear. Grabbing her hair, I yanked her head back.


I figured it out when moments later her pussy contracted again. Continuing to thrust, I watched her ass jiggle every time I slammed into her. My orgasm hit suddenly and I slowed, relishing the release.

Flopping back onto the bed, I closed my eyes. I'd enjoyed that a lot more than I expected. Couldn't remember the last time I'd had pussy that tight.

A rustling sound made me look up. She was getting dressed.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Um ... somewhere that's not here?" she answered, looking confused.

"Nah, I got another hour. And I wanna do that again," I said, closing my eyes. "Lay your ass back down."

"You're not getting a very good customer review," she said. "Too bossy."

"Yeah?" I felt myself smiling. "Good thing I'm use to fake ass reviews."

The bed dipped as she lay beside me. Silence descended over the room.

She was probably wondering why I was using an escort. Did she think I was ugly and couldn't get a woman without paying? Well I didn't need to fucking explain myself. And she was in no position to judge me. I'd set her straight in a hurry.

I turned and glared at her. "What?"

She turned her head, surprise in her eyes. "I was thinking there should be snacks. Aren't there usually refreshments during intermission?"

That wasn't at all what I expected. And snacks actually sounded like a good idea.

"Do I get a better review if I run to the vending machine?" I asked as I recalled seeing one at the end of the hall.

"Oh definitely!"

I stood and slipped on my jeans and sneakers, then zipped up my hoodie and headed out.

Returning I carried bottles of water and diet coke, a bag of chips and a couple candy bars. Dumping the lot onto the bed, I kicked my shoes off and ditched the hoodie.

"Wow!" she said, clapping her hands. "Gold star review for you!"

I hid a smile as I lay back down. She wore just her t-shirt and sat cross-legged on the bed. I took a sip of diet coke and broke open the bag of chips, sparking a debate on the best chip flavor.

Shaking my head, I listened to her list all the positive attributes of Sour Cream and Onion. She was wrong, but cute.

After a couple minutes I realized she'd fallen silent and looked over. Her eyes were focused on where my jeans hung low on my hips, moving slowly upwards to my chest and arms. The look on her face was unmistakable and my dick hardened.

"See something ya like?" I asked.

She looked startled at being caught, then licked her lips. "When's intermission over?"

I took the bottle of water from her hand and set it on the night stand, then reached for her. "Now."

Round two was even better.

"Lay on your stomach," she said afterwards.

"Why?" I asked suspiciously.

"Fine, don't," she shrugged.

After a moment I rolled onto my stomach. She began running her fingers lightly over my back in random patterns. It was incredibly soothing. With a sigh, I closed my eyes and felt more relaxed than I had in weeks.

When I woke up, she was gone. Swearing I jumpedup and took stock of my jewelry, phone and wallet. But everything was exactlyas I'd left it. She hadn't even gotten paid; the cash was still in my billfold.Huh. Guess that made her a slut today, not a whore.

I stretched, enjoying the calm feeling throughout my body. Dressing quickly, I headed home.

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