⁰⁸ Black's Birthday Bash

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Published on 20th November 2020, 3:49 pm, IST

⁰⁸ Black's Birthday Bash

"I lied! I told Nessie that I had only had a cup! I had eight cups! Don't tell her!"

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"I lied! I told Nessie that I had only had a cup! I had eight cups! Don't tell her!"


☆    IT WAS at last November third, meaning that it was Sirius Black's birthday.

    Nesrin Potter sighed, walking through the Gryffindor common room, shoving through all the intoxicated students.

    It was already nine-thirty, and Leonard was supposed to be at the portrait door half an hour ago.

    "Nessie!" A voice yelled as she opened the door to exit.

    She whipped around angrily, ready to yell at the person, but decided against it as she saw a very drunk Sirius Black stumbling towards her.

    "What is it, Sirius?"

    Where are you going?" He slurred, the firewhiskey in his cup sloshing in and out of it as he swayed to the music beat.

    "The Hufflepuff common room," Rin grunted, feeling mad as she remembered Leonard again.

    "But whyyyyyyyyyyy?" Sirius pouted and fell over her.

    Rin laughed, supporting him up and guiding him to a sofa. "Okay, how much have you had to drink?"

    "Just a cup!" Then he giggled and beckoned her closer. "I lied! I told Nessie that I only had a cup! I had eight cups! Don't tell her!" Then let out a peal of laughter and lay on down the sofa.

    Rin smiled softly, brushing away the hair from his face and walked out of the common room to fetch Leonard, leaving Sirius garbling all kinds of nonsense.


    "Leonard isn't here."

    Rin had walked all the way to the Hufflepuff common room only to find out that Leonard wasn't there.

    "Ah. Where is he, then? I need to go get him."

    "I'll get him for you!" The Hufflepuff yelled, pushing her out of the way. "You stay here."

    Ten minutes later, the guy was back, with a rough-looking Leonard trailing behind him.

     "Where were you?" She asked. "You were supposed to be at the fat lady's portrait almost an hour ago!"

    "I was at the Library. Fell asleep doing the Astronomy essay."

    Rin pursed her lips and straightened his clothes and tamed his hair. "Come on, let's go."

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