Another Mikaelson

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Hope Pov
I'm have way to Dr.Saltzmans office and I'm beyond pissed I slam through the doors.
"We don't know anything about her, she may not be related to the original family. I haven't asked her any questions yet because I didn't want to scare her. I'm sure she gets asked about her family all the time." He may be right but I'm still mad that he didn't tell me earlier.
"Well can we start asking her questions?"
"She just got here a few hours ago I'm not gonna give her the 20 questions today I will tomorrow and you an be here when I do. I'm gonna use that truth telling ball we used on lizzies and Josies real mom that way she can't lie."
"Okay fine I will be her tomorrow morning" I say and with that I walk out a go to my room. I wanna call aunt Freya but I don't know if she is a part of our family yet. I don't even know what she is either.
Rebecca Pov
Hope still hasn't moved then she just gets up not even saying anything and leaves. I'm not gonna lie it hurt but she seemed angry.
"Don't take it personally, she has been like this sense Landon died." Josie  says with sadness in her voice
"Who is Landon?"
"Her boyfriend he just died a week ago."
"Oh I get it." Maybe I should just leave her alone she probably won't leave me alone because my last name is Mikaelson.
"Come on lets finish your tour then we can go to dinner" Lizzie says. So we end up finishing the tour and it's no that eventful I meet more people and they all surprised about my last name and that's it's mikaelson I say it's just a coincidence. They mostly believe me because everyone would have known if there was another mikaelson. I follow the twins to the cafeteria and I could already tell who where the wolves and the vampires and the witch's. The twins said I should sit with the wolves. But I have never really been a pack person. So I just sit with the twins and they didn't seem to mind. I didn't notice Hope at dinner though I thought that was weird but I guess if your boyfriend died I week ago you wouldn't wanna eat either.
"So do I have to join the pack?" I ask Josie she was sitting next to me as Lizzie was sitting across from me and she was talking to MG.
"Well the new alpha Rafael wants you to join but I don't think he will pressure you that much. The other wolves may pressure you though."
"Great" I say with sarcasm in my voice and Josie  lets out a little chuckle.
"You may not be related to the original family but you remind me of them a lot." I dont know what to think I mean I guess I am related to them after all.
"Yeah I get that a lot." We have a little bit of small talk after that and i think she is kinda cute but I'm probably not gonna do anything about it the last relationship i had she got her heart ripped out right in front of me. We finish dinner and I head back to my room I stopped and Hopes door I stare at it for a bit but it's not worth it she doesn't even know me. I walk in my room could see the school uniform on my bed and I already don't wanna wear it I hate shirts and dresses. I change into some pajamas and lay on my bed till I pass out.
Hope Pov
I'm sitting in my room painting and I look at the time and I missed dinner but I didn't mind I haven't been hungry the past few days. I hear someone stop at my door it's probably just Josie she has been worried about my for the past week. She stands there for a sec then walks away.i didn't think anything of it but when I laid in my bed all I could think about Rebecca she seemed so familiar but the only Rebekah I know is my aunt and I don't know why someone else would be named that but I'm  gonna figure it out tomorrow that should be fun. I lay there for a little longer thinking then I turn on some music and pass out.
Rebecca POV
When I woke up I looked at my clock and it was 11:00 AM I have slept that much in a long time I get out of bed throw on some joggers and a black t-shirt and head to the cafeteria. When I walked in I could Josie sitting with Lizzie and MG and there friends they all wave at me to go over I could the wolves were eyeing me. I walk over to the twins I take a seat next to Josie and grab some bacon and toast we all have a little bit of small talk they ask me where i'm from and I say Chicago because that's where I grew up before I ran away. They all wanted to know about the city but there want really much. I feel a tap on my shoulder.
"Good morning Rebecca, I was wondering if I could talk to you in my office?" It was Dr. Saltzman I didn't know what I did but I wasn't gonna do anything about it.
"Yeah sure" I put my plate away and we head to his office I see hope standing next to the desk and I already knew what this is about.
"Umm did I do something wrong Dr.Saltzman?"
"No nothing wrong me and hope just have a few questions about ur family if you don't mind." He says with a smile I should be fine I can just lie anyway right
"Yeah of course what do you want to know."he pulls out this ball and I already know what it is and I'm fucked. Well this is gonna be a fun day isn't it.
"You may want to take a seat." I take a seat and hope sits next to me I was surprised by that and Dr.Saltzman sits across from me .
"Is your name Rebecca Nicklaus Mikaelson?"
"Yes" the ball turns blue
"Are you related to the original family?" Well fuck I'm screwed now do I try to lie there is no point right.
"Yes" the ball turns blue Hopes eyes widen and so does Dr.Satzman
"Who are your parents?" Hope says I look at her in the eyes then I look at Dr.Saltmans
"Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall." The ball turned blue
"That's impossible! my parents didn't have another kid are you sure that think works Dr.Saltzman?" Hope says I could tell she was getting a little freaked out.
"A witch used a spell on our mom when we were young to find out your gender and she found me so she clocked me and when mom gave birth to you I came out first before dad got in the room and they took me away so no one knew I excited. They names me Rebecca because I reminded them of our aunt and my middle name well that was because I was like dad."the ball turned blue again they both didn't know what to say Hope just kept on staring at me.
"Are you a tribrid as well?"
"Yes" the ball turned blue they other are still shocked then out of no where Hope hugged me and I very surprised
"I'm sorry for being an ass earlier," I hug her back
"It's okay Josie told me about ur boyfriend I'm sorry."
"So this mean we're twins." She says with a laugh
"Yeah but I'm older." I say with pride. She hits me in the shoulder lightly
"Dr.Saltzman can I call my aunt freya now?"
"Yes of course." Hope leave to call freya.
"I didn't expect her to hug me or even like me."
"Yeah that surprised me too. I didn't think she would like you once you said you were her twin."
"Yeah. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier I just didn't want to make it a big deal ya know."
"Yeah but this should be good for Hope she can have family here and hopefully she will feel better about everything."
"Did you know my parents?" I ask him I never meet them I know there dead so maybe he could tell me what there like.
"You mother was very nice and sweat and I'm sorry u never meet her. Your father well he was your father."
"Yeah so I have heard. Can I go back to my room now?"
"Of course." I get up and leave well now the secrets out and I'm gonna have to meet my family and we'll that should be fun.
Hope POV
I leave Dr.Saltzmans office happy I was happy for once it felt nice but I wanna know more about the witch's that took her in the first place but that's for another time right now I have to call aunt freya and tell her the new. I pullout my phone and find her contact. It rings a few times then she picks up.
"Hey kiddo. What's up?"
"Nothing much there was a new girl in school her name is Rebecca Mikaelson."
"A Mikaelson the only Rebekah I know is your aunt."
"That's what I though at first too then me and Dr.Saltzman asked her question after her family with a truth telling ball. You won't believe but she is my older twin sister."
"That's impossible we would have known if your parents had another kids."
"I thought that as well but the witch's that wanted me dead clocked her in my moms stomach and they took her without us knowing."
"And are your sure that's all true."
"Yeah she looks like dad but she has moms hair color."
"I'm gonna call Kol and Rebekah and tell them they have a new niece then. Maybe we could come out and meet her soon. Hope get to know her it would be good for you to have a really close friend right now." I know that she was talking about Landon and maybe she is right maybe I should get to know my twin it would be nice.

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