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Hope POV

I gave Becca a hug before I went back into my room. I see Landon is laying on my bed asleep I crawl under the covers and cuddle into him. It takes me a bit to fall asleep because it wasn't that late. I was having a nightmare of Landon's dead body on the ground and he wasn't getting up. I was reliving it all over again. I could feel myself jolt up and I see Landon fly across my room.

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I ask worried.

"Yeah I'm fine you were just having nightmare." We clean up the mess. Dr. Saltzman and I are supposed to train in the gym today. We start training and Landon told him about my nightmare it made me annoyed.

"I said I'm fine!" I yell at him as I throw him across the room with a wave of magic.

"Maybe I should go blow off some steam." Maybe I could wolf out in the woods. Then Lizzie comes in with Becca next to her.

"Daddy I need your help. Also I brought some back up." Lizzie says as she is standing next to Dr. Saltzman he was still on the floor. I don't know why Becca is here.

"I see my little sister kicked your ass as expected." Becca says with a smirk I couldn't help but chuckle. She gives him a hand to help him get up.

"Very funny, Hope you cant wolf out because there are to many humans around because we are hosting the Miss Mystic falls this year. So I brought your sister here so you can beat her up instead of me because I have things to do today." He says as he walks out following Lizzie to whatever they are doing.

"So are you ready for me to beat you up?" I saw with a smirk as she picks up Dr. Saltzman's sticks that he was using.

"Don't get your hopes up." Becca says back to me we spare for an hour I felt much better after it.

Rebecca POV

I wake up to a knock on my door Josie is still asleep I wiggle my way out of the bed making sure not to wake Josie up. I open the door and see Lizzie I walk out of my room and close the door so we don't wake up Josie.

"what's up?" I ask I don't know why she is here

"My dad wants you to spar with Hope so she can get some of her anger out because she cant wolf out. There is humans around today because we are hosting Miss Mystic falls." She says well I guess I better get down there I leave Josie a note and follow Lizzie to the gym and I see Dr. Saltzman on my floor as expected. Hope and I spar for an hour after that she goes to set up stuff for the pageant so I decided to go and see Megan and Patrick's graves. I arrive at there graves sit down and I start talking about my day and how much I miss them. I pull out my phone to text my other friend that Megan and Patrick are gone. There were 9 of us that escaped from the witch's. Patrick , Megan , Alex , Erick , Taylor , Robert , Keenan , Cole , and Me. Megan and I were the only girls I text the other boys that Megan and Patrick are gone. We are all werewolves kind of our own little pack . I don't know how long I have been out here but I see Hope and Lizzie walking through the woods back to the school so I catch up to them.

"Hey guys so how is the Miss Mystic falls thing going?" I ask

"Good, all though I was supposed to be Miss Mystic Falls like my mother but this dead bitch Dana's mom is the head judge so there is no way I am winning. But luckily Hope is gonna take my place and win the contest." Lizzie says with pride. I'm surprised Hope is gonna take Lizzies place.

"Well if you need any help with anything let me know." I smile at them we see Landon come walking up to us he looks worried and Hope looks a little mad. They must have had a fight Landon ends up apologizing for it and Hopes ex boyfriend the one that got our mother killed is here at the school. I walk into the school alone I wanted to head back to my room so I can relax then I see Josie setting up for the pageant I walk up to her.

"Hey, sorry for leaving this morning." I say she smiles at me.

"It's okay I understand why. How is Hope?" She asks

"She is annoyed I think at Landon because her ex boyfriend is here and he is getting jealous." Speaking of being jealous Penelope walks up to us.

"Hey Jo, I just wanted to say sorry about the party. I was wondering if we could talk alone?" I feel my wolf side get annoyed by that my eyes turn yellow.

"Woah Mikaelson relax." I could feel my phone ring in my pocket I snap out of it. I see Erick is calling me

"I got to go." I say I head to my room answer the call all the boys are all in the same room with the phone on speaker. I explain to them what happened to Megan and Patrick they are all really sad about it Erick asks about Alycia and how she is doing as well as when he can see here Erick is her father after all. I told them that Alycia was with her aunt and she was safe and well I spend about an hour talking to them and just catching up. I end up falling asleep on accident. I wake up to Lizzie running into my room

"Rebecca wake up and get dressed it starting." She yelled to wake me up

"Oh Shit." I get up grab a grey short sleeve button down and black jeans with grey vans and walk with Lizzie.

"that's what your wearing?" She says in a judgmental voice.

"I'm not contesting and I don't care how I look." I say with a chuckle we walk in and I stand by Lizzie as we watch people go to the dance floor. I hear Josie being escorted by Penelope anger immediately filly my body and I walk out of the room to the bathroom to cool down I look in the mirror and my eyes are yellow I close my eyes and breath I relax myself and go back to the main room.

"what was that about Mikaelson?" Lizzie says

"It was nothing." I didn't want to make a big deal about it. I see Hope at the top of the stairs with her ex I was a little confused they star dancing she looks over to me and I smile and give her a thumbs up. It makes her smile then Josie comes up to us.

"Lizzie did you tell Hope where mom got that dress." She says. She seems a bit annoyed and I can't figure out why.

"Yeah some guy who had a crush on mom gave it to her a long time ago." I don't know why the dress is so important.

"So who is the dress from anyway?" I ask Josie.

"Your dad gave it to our mom." I look over to Hope I could tell Roman was listening and he told her what Josie said. I could see Hopes eyes start to water then they announce that she won and she stood there alone I walked over to her and gave her a hug right as I hugged her she broke down in my arms. We stand there for a few minutes after we walk back to her room and Landon had a note on her night stand that he needed time she explained the thing with his mom and I understood why he left. She got changed and took off her make up.

"Hey Becca could you stay with my tonight I don't want to be alone." She says looking at the floor.

"Of course I can I just have to talk to Josie for a second I will be right back." I say as I leave the room I arrive at Josies and Lizzies room and ask if I could talk to Josie in private so Lizzie left for a little.

"Hey sorry about acting weird today."I says nervously.

"It's okay." She walks up to my and wraps her arms around my neck I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her in.

"Hey Josie I have a question for you." I look at her in the eyes.

"I should have a answer for you." She says with a smile.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" My body is fills up with nervousness.

"I would love to by your girlfriend." She answers with a big smile on her face and my eyes turn yellow.

"I see your wolf side is happy about that." Sometimes I really hate my wolf side I look away and close my eyes. She puts her hand on my check and pulls me into a kiss. I kiss her back and tell her I have to go because Hope needs me she understands and I leave the room with the biggest smile on my face. I head back to Hopes room and I see she is asleep i crawl in under the covers and fall asleep soon after.

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