Ch. V

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"I want you,"

Those three breathless words echoed through Peter's mind as he picked up his head from where it was positioned between your legs. He heard you let out a whimper as his muscular shoulders straightened, sitting up, "Yeah," he asked cockily, his voice low and it made your need for him grow.

"Peter," his name rang with desperation from your parted lips, "please," you ached for his touch against your skin. Feeling as if your skin burned with desire, you pulled against your restraints, watching Peter smile, "please," you whisper, with a bat of your eyes you found Peter above you, your breath warming his skin.

Without a word, Peter buried his face against your neck, hiding a blush that gently flushed his pale complexion. Kisses peppered the soft skin of your neck as Peter's dominance seemed to fade; as if he was back to his awkward nature.

Peter almost seemed innocent, the type of guy that your parents would love to have around. But you knew better.

You knew that for Peter, you were responsible for a year's worth of eroticism. He worshiped Y/H/N and she occupied all of his thoughts. For months she was someone he found himself reaching out for but could never grasp. But now, you were all his, and your gazed begged for his touch.

Your lips mirrored your eyes; pleading words slipped between them, "What do you want me to do to you," Peter whispered against your ear as he attempted to compose himself, his breath catching in his throat. His fingertips hovered against the small of your back, he was hesitant now. Moments before, Peter grabbed at you hungrily. But now, he felt as if he could possibly disappoint you. It has been years since he was intimate with anyone physically, but mentally he had already done so many things to you.

One of Peter's favorite daydreams was where he slowly, and finally, got to unmask you. The material of your mask sitting between his fingers softly as he exposed your blushed lips. He would watch your lips part, taking a sharp inhale of the night air. Did he forget to mention this takes place on a tall rooftop in Manhattan? Your soft skin would be illuminated by the neon glow of the city's lights.

In that moment Peter's mind would wander to the endless possibilities your mouth could provide. After all, he was a guy, and a stressed crime fighting, college guy at that. Trying to shake those thoughts out of his head, he revealed your nose, little by little; which would make you laugh. "Come on Parker, get it over with," Y/H/N would tease him in an unintentional sensual tone. Or maybe it was just sensual to Peter, who knows.

Then, before he could even get to your eyes, he would plant a heated kiss on your lips. He would feel you smile into his kiss, your teeth separating the two of you for a moment. After a few more sincere kisses, Peter took a deep breath. Almost as if he was ripping off a bandaid, Peter pulled your mask. He watched as your y/h/c hair flowed in the cool night air.

You shook your head, a bit embarrassed by your suit hair. Staring at Peter, you waited to meet his soft and sweet, brown eyes. His gaze was hesitant, he had waited so long for this moment that he hoped one day would come.

"Peter," your pleading voice brought him back to reality as he pulled his face out of the curve of your neck and to your imploring gaze.

You seemed different now that Peter knew your secret. Your aloofness and mysterious nature that once seemed odd to him, now intoxicated him. Does that make him a hypocrite?

Whenever he noticed you on campus you were almost always alone. The company you did keep was only one or two friends and maybe a few peers who helped you study for classes outside of your major. You were secretive and impersonal because you held secrets. Everyone on campus knew Peter, and even more people knew Spider-Man. You never treated him like a hero, but always greeted him with the smallest hello.

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