Chapter 32

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The guys came in late last night. So late all the girls, Harry, Niall, and I had gotten a shower and blow dried our hair (for the girls that is).

I went to bed before they got here.


It's about 12:30 P.M.

I went downstairs with my hair nicely CURLED (yes, for once I curled my hair.) and one strand on each side pulled back.

My makeup looked cool and so did my outfit.

"Where are you going all dressed up to." Elli asked.

"I felt like I was getting repetitive with my wardrobe. So, I mixed it up a bit."

"Felt like?" Carrie said.

Like I said in like the one of the first chapters from oldest to youngest it's Leah, Alexia, Carrie, Me, and Elli. Carrie is technically the middle and the middle gets away with a lot of things. This would be one of them. She can get away with joking about my lifestyle.

"Where's Harry?" I asked since normally ever since they dated he was always over here before I'm ever awake. (which is about 12:30-ish.)

"He has to work today."

"So it's just us girls today?"

"Yep! What do you wanna do?"

"I don't know. How cold is it?"

"It's.....65 degrees Fahrenheit ." (I'm American. If you're good at changing Fahrenheit to Celsius good for you. I forgot. Math isn't my subject.)

"You wanna take a dip in the pool?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Carrie said.

"But can it be heated?" Carrie asked.

"Of course!" Elli said.

"Okay I'll call Leah and Alexia." Carrie said.

Leah and Alexia had gone home the night before but Carrie stayed because she was too tired to drive her car back.
You'd think it would be because we're really funny and fun

It was only a matter of minutes before Leah and Alexia were here and we all had on our bathing suits.

I wasn't big on wearing bikinis so I normally wear tankinis which is a bikini but the top goes to your belly button.

Once the pool was heated up, we got all the pool stuff in the pool and we put on sunscreen.

I don't burn easily but the other girls are just a tad bit pale.

"In three, two, .........ONE!!!!!!!!!!" Leah screamed.

"CANNONBALL!!!!!!!!" We all screamed.

The first thing that came to mind when I hit the water.

IT'S FREEZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There were screams coming from all of us.

"Elli I thought you heated up the pool?" Carrie asked.

"I thought you did?"

Now it's about 1:00.

I ran and turned on the heater and we jumped back in.

The first thing that came to mind then was........


Well, if you didn't know, it HURTS like CRAP when your butt hits the water.

We swam and swam and swam.

It was about 3:30 by the time we realized how long we had been in the pool.

Then the door to the backyard opened.

Ha, it was Niall and Harry.

"Ummm...." Niall said.

"Ello!" Harry said taking off his shirt and jumping in.

"Well, I guess I'm in!" Niall yelled humping in.

We swam about another hour playing volleyball, category, and chicken fight. (yeah, only Elli and Harry and Niall and I played that for a while, until Carrie got on Leah and pushed Elli off of Harry.)

Once we were done, we all got put and ate the entire kitchen.

Could you blame us, we girls swam for SIX hours!!!!!!!!

Once we finished eating, we watched a

Leah, Carrie, and Alexia looked cute because they were all snuggled up on the couch.

Elli and Harry were in the recliner and Niall and I were on the chase sitting so close that Bandit started to growl. (I guess I forgot to tell him that we were dating. Oops?!)

About the middle of the movie I got a text.

It was from Niall and it said "Hey can I talk to u outside"

I replied yes of course.

When we were outside we lead to the beach chairs and we sat down.

"So One Direction was invited to a party and we were aloud to bring dates. Do you wanna come?" He asked.

"Niall I'd loved to go with you but..."

"But what?"

Then the door opened and Elli said, "Because she doesn't like going to parties. Do you know why we don't throw her birthday parties? That's why."

"Oh, thanks Elli." I said.

"Well, if you change your mind," Niall said.

"Like she does a lot." Leah said coming out of the door frame.

"Anyways, you can still come." he finished.

"Yeah, she won't." Carrie said.

"Hey!" I said. "Thanks."

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Harry said.

I smiled but Niall kissed me on the cheek.

We went back inside. Niall was holding my hand and after I got a shower and blow dried my hair we sat down again and watched some TV and I fell asleep in Niall's arms.

A Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now