Chapter 35

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I had been crying for about two hours.

Then Elli came running in.

"Kaitlin??!?!?!?!?!?!?" She called.

"In here."

"Kaitlin, are you okay?"


"That isn't your most convincing tone of voice I have ever heard. You wanna talk?"

I waited for a while.... and then I broke.

"Elli, how could I be so dumb as to trust someone so famous."

"First of all, you're not dumb and second we're just as famous as Niall is."

"But why did I choose to date someone famous before someone that's not."

"Kaitlin, I don't know. I thought I knew Niall enough to know that he would never hurt anyone like that and that there must be an explanation, but sometimes you just can't know a person. Trust me, I know, you weren't that easy to figure out. Hell, I haven't even figured you out now."

"I hope your right about the whole explanation thing."

Then Harry came in.

"Are you okay, Kaitlin?" He asked.


Then Niall came in and Bandit started to growl.

Then Elli whispered in my ear, "Did you tell Mark?"

"Yeah." I whispered back.

"Kaitlin, please let me explain." Niall said.


"C'mon Kaitlin he's going to tell the truth. I'll make sure of it." Harry said.


"I didn't kiss whoever that girl was. She kissed me. She was drunk and to be honest, no one knows about us, but I tried to get her off of me, but when your drunk you're stronger. Do you believe me."

"Is he telling the truth?" I asked Harry.

"Yeah." he said.

"Do you believe me?" Niall asked again.

Okay, everything I'm about to tell you happened in a matter of literately two seconds.

So, I was thinking 'Why should I even bother, he already shattered my heart into pieces?', but then I thought, 'But I know Niall, Elli knows Niall, he would never hurt anyone like that!'.

Then, after those two seconds went by, I bolted to my room.

When I closed the door, I turned around and fell on my bed.

Then my door opened up again. At first I thought it was Elli, but then I saw Niall's fluffy hair.

He closed the door gently behind him.

"Kaitlin, are you sure your okay?" He asked.


He then sat beside me on my bed.

"I know I'm not Elli, but just tell me what you saw me doing."

"I saw you kissing that girl."

"No, in deep description."

"Well, you were pinned up against the wall and your arms were at your side. That's all I remember before darting to the street. But, this isn't helping, you kissed her and that's it. Now leave me alone."

A Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now