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"Draco~" Draco was still half asleep, he didn't acknowledge anything other than the fact that this person was uttering his name in an extremely annoying tone.

"Fuck off." He grumbled under his breath, tossing around in his sleep, which led to her chuckling at his groggy state, he then realised who it was that had said his name.

He sprung out of his comfortable sleeping position.

"Y-y/n. Uh hi." He stuttered out, now fully awake, with his hand clawing at his hair, attempting to tame his messy platinum locks.

"Well, someone's finally awake."

He shrugged at her, not really sure what to say.

His cheeks reddened as he remembered their encounter form the night before. The question then hit him, what were they? They were friendly acquaintances before, but what were they now? Casual fuck buddies? Would she just pretend that nothing happened at all? Or even worse, would she completely cut him off?

"About last night.." His anxious thoughts were interrupted by her, well that certainly cleared a few things up.

"What about it?" He looked up at her, eyes twinkling with both anxiety and curiosity.

"Well, we don't have much time for chitchat, meet me at the Room of Requirements during your free period, and we'll discuss the details." With that said, she slung her leather book bag over her shoulder and headed out.

He was left in a daze, staring at the empty spot on the seat next to him where she had been sitting.

"Woah! Don't tell me you shagged the girl you were wanking to?" Blaise walked up to sit next to him before he could make any further actions.

"What?" Draco attempted to act confused, though Blaise saw right through his act.

"Oh, congrats mate! I could only dream of that!" Blaise congratulated, patting his shoulder as if he were a proud father.

"What do you mean, Blaise? You shag a different person every week!"

"Well, uh, that's besides the point! So tell me, did you actually shag or..?" Blaise raised an eyebrow.

"None of your business, Zabini!" Draco stood up, shoving pass him and stormed off to his dormitory to get ready for the day.

Blaise was left sitting there in confusion.
"Well, I'm just gonna assume that went well."  Blaise thought out loud to himself.


It was currently Draco's free period; meaning, he had to meet Y/n at the Room of Requirements.

Draco was now in the prefect's bathroom,  staring at his reflection nervously in the mirror, he shifted around, trying to adjust whatever imperfection or tiny flaw in his attire.

After he had magically straightened out any wrinkles in his shirt, combed any stray hairs, and fixed any messily done buttons, he decided that he was steady.

Letting out a sigh of anticipation, Draco slowly made his way toward the Room of Requirements.

When he'd reached his destination, he hesitantly twisted the spiral shaped door knob to enter the room.

He saw that Y/n already waiting for him on the leather couch, sitting patiently with her legs crossed.

He took in the interior of the room, there was a door at the corner of the room, there was no other furniture in sight except for the large leather couch that Y/n was sitting on.

"Uh, hello?" Draco called out anxiously, staring at her calm and composed figure, which was the complete opposite of his current state.

"Good to know you've arrived, have a seat." Y/n offered out cooly, patting the spot next to her.

He timidly sat next to her, trying to keep a  comfortable yet respectful distance. Fidgeting with his hands nervously, he glanced at her, waiting for her to start explaining.

She chuckled at his childlike behaviour, finding it absolutely adorable.

"Well, we're not here for small talk, so let's get straight to the point."  She handed him a piece a parchment.

"I assume we both have certain needs, right? I'd like to make an agreement." She proposed, shifting her gaze from the contract to Draco.

Draco looked at the piece of parchment paper, slowly analysing Y/n's unique handwriting. He glanced up at her in confusion.

"Go ahead, read it, and sign it once you're done."

He looked back down the it and started to read.

1. You must not tell anyone of this contract.
2. Please tell me if anything/ any situation is uncomfortable to you.
3. Safe words :
RED — if you want me to stop immediately.
YELLOW — slow down, but don't stop yet.
GREEN — keep going.
4. You must obey all my rules and commands unless it makes you uncomfortable.


"Well, I agree, but I didn't bring a quill with me."

"Oh sorry, here you go, it's self refilling, no need for an ink pot." Y/n chuckled, handing him a quill that she'd brought along.

Upon gaining access to the questionably fancy quill, he signed his name to the bottom of the contract.

Draco Lucius Malfoy

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