Chapter 16

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Yui was watching videos of her favourite bands when suddenly her doorbell rang.

Ding Dong~

"Hey! Open the door Onii san!", shouted Yui while sitting on her bed.

"No! You open it! Yesterday I had opened it when the doorbell had rung!", Yuta shouted back from his room.

Yui cursed at him silently and went towards the door. She opened the door to reveal the most unexpected guest of that evening.

"Akabane...?", muttered Yui as she rose a brow in curiosity.

"Hey...ummm...sorry...for snapping at you today without any reason..I...umm..I shouldn't have taken out my anger upon you...", said Karma as he struggled to find proper words while rubbing his neck with his left hand a bit shyly.

"You aren't really used to apologising right?", asked Yui who was clearly holding in her giggles as she found his apology extremely cute.

"Umm..I....yeah....", said Karma.

Yui started giggling and said," Oh God! Who knew that the school's genius delinquent can be this cute." She pinched his cheeks.

Karma just slapped her hand away and pouted, a thin layer of blush covering his cheeks. All of a sudden Yuta came behind Yui upon seeing Karma he said," Oh hey! Akabane Karma right?"

Karma just nodded his head.

"Well nice to see you again kiddo. I am happy to hear that you all have done well in the exams. ", said Yuta.

"Thanks Yuta san.", replied Karma.

"By the way why don't both of you come inside and have a nice chat?"

"That's a good idea Onii san. Karma come inside.", said Yui .

'She is calling me Karma instead of Akabane. I guess that she has forgiven me.' , thought Karma as he stepped inside and took off his shoes.


I felt a bit relieved as she had accepted my apology. I have never apologized to anyone before but I don't know why I felt a huge urge to say sorry to her after she had given me a piece of her mind. Her apartment was really big and it has 5 rooms in addition to dining room, living room and kitchen.

"Let's go to my room and talk there.", Yui suggested with a smile.

I nodded and went inside her room. It was a fairly big room. Her room was really clean and organized. There was a laptop lying on her table.

"Sit on the bed Karma kun.", said Yui as she sat on her bed.

"Your bed sure is too big for someone as small as you.", I said while sitting beside her.

"Hey!! I am not that small . You are just too big.", objected Yui.

"How do you do know that I am big ,huh?~", I asked while wriggling my brows at her.

She stared at me blankly for a few seconds and when she finally understood what I was trying to imply her face became as red as a cherry .She yelled at me

"Yah!!!!!! You pervert!! Fuck you!!"

"Gladly . Then I can show you myself how big I am."

Yui's eyes widened and then she took a pillow and started hitting me with it while hurling wonderful curses at me. I couldn't stop laughing at her flushed face and tried to dodge her attacks .All of a sudden there was a loud thud from outside the room. Both of us froze in our positions and stared at each other for a solid 10 seconds. Then Yui ran towards her kitchen and I followed her. As both of us reached the kitchen I found a rather funny situation. Yuta's t shirt was covered in flour and some flour was on his cheeks. Vegetables, sauce and flour were scattered all over the kitchen counter.

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