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Andy was now 5 months pregnant (18 weeks). They were going to be finding out the gender for the gender reveal. In the doctors office Carina asked if they wanted to know the gender for he baby. Andy told her that they would be doing a gender reveal and she should just message Vic the gender.

After the examination to make sure that the baby was healthy and Andy was healthy they went of to work. Andy was stuck on desk duty, Montgomery and Miller on Aid car and Gibson, Hughes were on ladder and Bishop, Dixon were on Engine. The Alarm went of for Aid 19, Ladder 19 and Engine 19. Andy quickly forgot that she was on desk duty and Sullivan had to stop her.

At the incident site Maya took over as acting captain. It was a firework explosion that two boys had started. They managed to get all the civilians out of the shop but they were still missing one of the boys who was involved. Ben had flashbacks of how he was when he was there age. He immediately knew where the boy was and got him out of there and to the hospital.

They got back to the station exhausted from that call. Everyone quickly changed and cleaned up while Andy was making them dinner. After they finished cleaning up they went to the kitchen where Andy had just finished making dinner.

Everyone took their food and sat down at the table. Andy wanted to hear all about the call since she didn't go. They explained everything in vivid detail. Andy was sad that she couldn't get to go but was happy they they got everyone out safely.

After dinner Vic pulled Maya aside and told her that she knows the gender of the baby. She asked Maya for her help to pull it off and she agreed to help. They went back inside the beanery and told everyone that they know the gender and the reveal should be happening on their day of next week.

The rest of the shift was slow there wasn't any fire to put out and no people to save. They all went home and prepared for the long week that was ahead of them. Andy couldn't sleep, she stayed up most nights thinking about the gender of the baby.

The next week came by quickly and it was time for the gender reveal. Everyone would be going over to Sullivan and Andy's home( yes they moved in together). Maya and Vic came really early to start decorating. Sullivan woke up to help them but Andy was still sleeping.

When Andy woke up she walked downstairs to see blue and pink ribbons all over the place. She saw cupcakes with blue and pink icing, candy that was blue and pink and she saw Sullivan cooking meals in the kitchen.

Andy saw Vic and Maya and gave them hugs. She told them that the place looked amazing. She was going back upstairs to start getting ready but she went and gave Sullivan a good morning kiss first. She went upstairs took and shower and start to do her hair.

After cooking all the meals for the day Sullivan went upstairs to take a shower and start getting ready too. They were both dressing in blue because they had a feeling it was a boy. Andy finished curling her hair and putting on her makeup. She turned around and saw Sullivan in a blue suit. Her eyes opened wide and she mouthed "damn". He gave her a kiss and she went into her closet and pulls out a light blue off the shoulder dress and puts it on.

When they got back downstairs they saw everyone already talking and helping with the finishing decorations. Maya told everyone the reveal would happen in a hour. Andy looked around a saw a chalkboard one side said girl and the other said boy. She put down two marks for boy and then went to get food.

Everyone ate, everyone voted and everyone was having fun. Vic called everyone outside. She handed everyone confetti poppers and she handed Andy and Sullivan smoke bombs. One the count of three everyone would reveal the baby's gender. Three. Two. One. Everyone screamed in unison when they saw that the confetti and smoke bombs were blue.

They looked in the sky and saw fireworks that were blue and a banner that said it's a boy. Andy immediately cried tears of joy and she was so happy. They stayed outside for a bit and then went back inside when it started to get darker. After another two hours everyone started to leave.

Maya went home to Carina and told her all about the reveal. Vic went to Jackson's apartment. Dean and Jack went to Deans house boat.Travis went to his apartment and Emmett went to his dads house.
After a short while everyone fell asleep.

Authors note- Sorry this is so short and it took me so long to publish. I was very busy with school and didn't feel motivated to work on either of my stories. I promise the next one will be longer.(It's the fact that two chapters ago I said that Andy's father died and now he's back from the dead for me)

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