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is it really him?

But why does it seems like he doesn't know me...


“JEWEL SHIM!” I gasped and flinched when Mr. Kim shouted infront of my face and slammed his hands on my desk, Geez i've been spacing out since earlier. “WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU THINKING? YOU'RE SPACING OUT MS. SHIM!” i looked down feeling embarrass as all their eyes were landing on me This is my first time getting scolded by the teacher.

“Stand up!” I quickly stood up and held both of my arms down, i stood there nervously waiting for what'll Mr. kim say “What is euphoria?” I gulped my saliva as sweat started to tear down on my face “I-i'm sorry sir i don't know”     “That's because you aren't listening to my discussion!”    “I-im sorry...” Why u gotta be so strict?  I sighed, if i did just listen then this wouldn't happen.

“Euphoria is a state of well-being or elation” Someone answered calmly making me look up to him, it was jungwon diverting his gaze to mine before looking at Mr. kim And he did it again “Very well said Mr. yang, Sit down now Ms. shim” I bowed politely and sat back down, i took a glance at him once again and there he is..looking outside as if nothing happened Why does he kept pretending that he didn't know me.


“AH! FINALLY!” I stretched my arms and smiled widely as soon as the bell rang, students started going outside as i arranged my things on the desk “Let's go” Jungwon said coldly tilting his head on the side avoiding my gaze, i just stared at him in disbelief Did he just...

“I said let's go” He repeated once again before leaving me alone dumbfounded, i rushed and grabbed my bag sliding it on my shoulders and ran trying to catch up with him.

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