The Black Family History

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Everybody has a past, a present , a future and that is our stories , we would never start reading a story from the present for we wouldn't know the past and the past is what makes us, it definions are every motive our every move the past controls us , it stir the ship or the ghost of the ship to its final destination where ever that may be. 

This Family is no different its members always have always been consumed  by greed,ignorance and pride. Pride for a all magic bloodline, a breed spread far and few between, a breed that over time has  withering and faded away like the vile poised weed that it is. ignorance to the fact that for the fact that pure-blood families are slowly dying out and greed for money,power anything really. This family are corrupt past the point of saving or are they? 

The Black family purity has been going strong since the 1800's with only four of its fifthly members being stripped of their right of being a member of the black family because  supporting muggles or blood traitors is the worst crime to commit in the eyes of the most ancient house of black and to be banished from the family could be either a blessing or nightmare depending on the individual themselves. However we are here to talk about one generation of the noble house of black  in particular for this generation of the Black family would be the either the saviors or the destroyers of the noble house of black, and only time would tell.  

 Cygnus Black the third and his dearly beloved wife Druella Roza  birth three beautifully healthy pure-blood daughters who would grown up in a lavish lifestyle full of balls and party's pretty dresses and dozens of toys. Well unless they protested against their parents and their rules of course.

The oldest daughter who the couple named Bellatrix Black with her first name meaning female warrior her named seemed to fit perfectly  given her family values  and beliefs, for in their minds they where strong warriors in the ongoing fight against the abominations they called was half-bloods and muggle-born's and blood traitors alike.As this young girl grew from a small bundle of joy she too would be consumed by the darkness that attacked the black family like a plague and though she agreed with some of her parents rulings she did not with others which if voiced would bring this strong girl a terrible punishment one curler than death some would say. However young Bellatrix didn't let that change her as the seasons changed so did she from the small girl who would run a muck around the manor grounds with her sisters  to a young intelligent women who possessed not only brains but an undeniable beauty with long wild locks of raven black hair and deep sea blue eyes with just a hint of trouble that glistened within them these darling features only complemented her snow white skin and dark red lips. Many a perfect suitor had fallen for our young Bellatrix however she had refused to marry for anything but love no matter the torture shed receive she stood tall and brave from without love she felt as if she had nothing and to have nothing meant she had no hope and without hope what was the point.

The Second Child of Cygnus and Druzella was named Andromeda Black with her name being linked to a star constellation this again fitted with the families  values with them believing that they where the stars, the light in the darkness of the wizarding world the darkness being the enemy the mud-bloods. Even though Andromeda grew up under her vile Fathers and weak mothers rules and values she refused to believe them , she refused to live by them however scared of the unruly punishments she had seen her sister Bellatrix face she lived a double life at Hogwarts a muggle loving student and home a typical cold pure-blood, that was until last year she had started to catch feelings for a boy named Teddy Tonks, she had become head over heel from this boy and knowing her parents would never allow it she started making a plan to escape, the hell she had grown up in but not all plans work out now, do they or will this one work only time will tell. Andromeda wasn't the smartest of her sisters however she had also inherited  the looks of a goddess however she choice to be lighter and more carefree than her older sister. Andromeda had shoulder length frizzy hair that hugged her heart shape face and brushed up against her rosy pink checks that seemed to set a light, the pools of honey that where her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2020 ⏰

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