Which of the motives would cause you to kill someone? While most of these motives are the actual motives, that were in the three games, you can adjust them to be more fitting, while still keeping the general idea.
Aries: Twilight Syndrome Murder Case
Taurus: Identity of the traitor
Gemini: The missing memories
Cancer: The Necronomicon
Leo: Money
Virgo: Motive video
Libra: First blood perk
Scorpio: Hunger
Sagittarius: The despair disease
Capricorn: The dark secret
Aquarius: Neo World Program // Secret of the outside world
Pisces: Ending the killing game
Super Danganronpa Zodiacs 2
FanfictionSince I had reached the chapter limit in the previous part, I decided to make a sequel. Suggestions for possible events are always welcome!