part two

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Liam's family den was dim, all the lights off save for the one in the hallway that led to the kitchen. The Conjuring was playing on the TV and all the boys were snuggled up on the couches while watching. Liam took the large armchair, Zayn and Niall were laying on opposite ends on a two-seater while Harry and Louis took the three-seater, cuddled up with Louis half-draped over Harry underneath a blanket.

It was Wednesday night -- two days before Louis' heat began -- and they all met up at Liam's to have a movie marathon. Tonight, they were doing The Conjuring and The Conjuring 2, saving the Annabelle marathon for another night. It was a perfect October night, comfortably chilly outside. They had sweaters on and Liam's mom made them apple ciders with chocolate cake. Harry loved nights like these when he and his friends met up for a quiet night in. This was how it was in the beginning when they were younger. They weren't going to a lot of parties, weren't busy with sports practices, or drowning in homework. He was nostalgic for moments like this, especially with graduation looming over all their heads in a few months.

Harry felt Louis shift, getting a bit more comfortable as he laid on the couch beside him. He was snug between the back of the sofa and Harry's body, looking content and warm. It had always been so easy for them to be close like this, Harry couldn't help but think. From the very beginning when they'd met in pre-school, all through grade school, and now. Harry couldn't tell exactly when he sort of took on the role of Louis' unofficial alpha, but he wasn't complaining. Something drew him to Louis, and it wasn't just his sweet, watermelon lemonade smell, reminding him of the best summer days. It was more than that.

It was how well Louis understood him, always knowing what Harry needed before he even vocalized it. It was the way they were in sync, thinking, and doing the same thing before realizing and laughing at how ridiculous they were. It was the way they were always there for each other, dropping everything and anything to be there for the other. Louis was the one Harry turned to when he needed someone to laugh with, someone to cry to, and someone who knew him better than anyone else. And while Liam, Zayn, and Niall were their best friends too, it didn't quite measure up to what they had. And Harry knew things changed and life wouldn't always stay the same, but the one constant he was sure of was Louis. Louis would always be there for him and Harry would always be there for Louis.

Which is why it didn't take Harry more than a second to agree to help Louis through his heat. In fact, he was looking forward to it, but he wasn't sure if he should admit that lest that make him sound like a horny knothead. It was just that Louis was gorgeous. He had the prettiest blue eyes and the softest looking lips. Harry could stare at him all day and not get tired of it. Plus, it would help Louis play his soccer game. He'd worked so hard to become the team captain and Harry was going to do his absolute best to make sure he was there Monday night for the first game.

The credits began to roll on the screen and the boys all let out groans as they stretched. Liam was the first to get up. "I'm going to use the bathroom before we begin the second movie," he said.

"I'm coming with," Niall said, jumping up and following him. "I've had to pee since they first started hearing the ghost clapping in the house."

As the two left the room, Zayn, Harry and Louis lingered before eventually, even Zayn got up. "I'm going to get some fresh air for a second. Call my mom too cause she's been blowing up my phone with texts."

Louis hummed in acknowledgment and then glanced up at Harry to smile at him once they were alone. "Hey," he said, voice raspy from not being used in the last hour and a half or so.

"Hi," Harry grinned, hugging him close and brushing his nose against Louis' hair. "How are you feeling?"

"Good," Louis replied. "Why do you ask?"

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