part four

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After a month of showing scary movies, the drive-in movie theater was wrapping it all up with a marathon of Halloween on Halloween. They had started early in the afternoon and it was still going. At the moment, they were on the 2007 remake of the film, which really dug into Michael Myers' past.

"A lot of people shit on this one," Harry remarked about the film, popping a french fry in his mouth. "I still don't know how to feel about it. It's quite raunchy, isn't it?"

"Agreed. The characters are so focused on sex and there's a naked body every few minutes," Louis said.

They were finishing up their dinner of McDonald's which they'd picked up on the way over so that they were able to stay for the whole marathon. After the marathon, they might swing by Danny Castro's Halloween party where the other boys would be headed soon. It would be late, though, and Harry wondered how drunk they'd find everyone once they arrived. He turned to look at Louis, who was super focused on the movie.

Harry sat quietly for a moment, just admiring Louis' profile and his soft features, like his pretty, long lashes, his thin lips, and his cheekbones. He really was so gorgeous. Louis, who must have felt Harry's eyes on him, turned to look, laughing when their eyes met. "Why are you being creepy?" he asked.

"Not trying to be creepy," Harry argued, a blush creeping up his neck. "Was just looking. You're kind of far. You should come a little closer."

"We're inside a car together, H," Louis reminded him. "Sitting in the trunk, which isn't all that spacious. We're plenty close."

"Not close enough," Harry pouted. "Come cuddle."

"But I'm warm," Louis said. "And you're a furnace, so I'll just get all sweaty."

"Don't care, Lou."

"I don't want to sweat, H."

Harry grunted. "What good is watching a scary movie if I can't even cuddle you?"

Louis chuckled. "You're so damn persistent."

"Lou," Harry whined, being petulant and childish. It seemed to work because Louis finally looked at him, giving a sigh, and nodded okay. Harry grinned, his arm coming around to drape over Louis' waist. Instead of hauling Louis toward him, Harry shifted over himself until they were side to side. "There. That's better."

"You're honestly the cuddliest alpha there is," Louis commented, rolling his eyes and acting like he was hating it even though Harry could feel him melting into his touch as Harry wrapped himself around the omega. "Aren't your kind supposed to be rough and tough?"

"I am rough and tough," Harry growled cheekily. "But I do love a cuddle too."

He smacked a loud kiss on Louis' cheek causing him to squeak in surprise. Harry laughed, one arm placed on Louis' waist, and the other wrapped around his shoulders. The movie was completely forgotten as his whole body faced Louis and was focused on him instead. Harry pressed his nose against Louis' hair, inhaling his familiar watermelon smell and letting it calm him until he started getting soft whiffs of cinnamon as well. He'd never smelled it on Louis before and he began to feel himself panic.

Harry leaned back, a frown on his face, and Louis sat up slightly at his sudden movement and change in mood. "What?" Louis asked.

"You smell different," Harry said. "Like cinnamon...who do you smell like?"

Just saying that out loud had Harry's hands shaking. Louis couldn't smell like someone else when he fucking smelled like Harry a week ago. He'd have continued to smell like Harry if only the two of them weren't so busy with classes and tests and practices. What happened between then and now?

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