19.) acadé

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waking up from last nights occurrences was not ideal. i hid in the bathroom when bakugou tried to make me talk to him, and fell asleep in the bathtub.

slowly, i open the door and see bakugou sleeping against the wall. his face looked peaceful as he slept, and i slowly crept passed him to get back to my room.

once in my room i plug in my dead phone and make my way to the closet. i felt like dressing a bit more edgy. put on white pants with black designs in them, and a large black tee-shirt with a white pattern in the middle. i throw on some accessories, do my makeup, and head back for the bathroom.

 i throw on some accessories, do my makeup, and head back for the bathroom

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once in the bathroom i brush my teeth and hair.

it's a Saturday today, so me and bakugou are going to do something fun, i decided. head to the arcade, maybe? first i need to wake bakugou up.

"BAKUGOU! WAKE UPPP!!!" i yell in his ear. he jerks awake and like, snarls at me.

"we're going to the arcade today." i say, looking at him to gage his reaction. he picks up his phone and checks the time. i peek at his phone and see it's 1:22 already.

"why?" he says, and heads for the bathroom.

"why not? i have a tooth brush you can use. lemme grab it real quick." i speed past him and grab it, then turn around and hand it to him.

"i'm taking a shower." his voice was deeper because he had just woken up.

"gotcha." i step out of the bathroom and the door is closed on me right away.

while i wait for bakugou, i might as well clean... look for change under the couch cushion and under my bed.

after searching i have found $3.27 in change. i grab my wallet, which has $87 dollars (that i have been saving). i know what i'm really doing today, it's finally time.

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