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Once my foot touched the muddy ground I completely lost it.

"How dare you, how dare you, how dare you!" I yelled in his face as I punched his chest.

"How dare you take me away from my family! Why did you do that?" I cried hitting his chest one last time before falling to my knees.

"Please Pan, I'll do anything! Take me back home!" I begged, folding my hands together and resting them on his thigh. " I don't want to be here, I can't be here. I want you to take me back!" I said choking on my words as tears flowed down my cheeks.

"I can't believe you did that." I pulled my hands down from his thigh and relaxed them on my sides.

"You're free now." Pan said kneeling down next to me.

"Free from what?" I panicked. "I'm most definitely not free from you." I said looking over at Pan. My mouth parted in horror when I looked over his bony shoulder. I fell backwards as my heart sank to the ground.

"What is that?" I said lifting up my hand and pointing a shaking finger over his shoulder.

Each tree, every branch had a cold, lifeless body hanging from a single rope. Their skin rotting away with ease, some not even having skin anymore. Their clothes were dirty and ripped, coming from all different types of time periods. There must have been hundreds of poor bodies swinging peacefully in the trees. All their heads were bowed as if they were ashamed.

Pan looked at me and smirked as he turned his head slowly looking behind him.

"Oh that, that is my art work. Isn't it beautiful?" He said standing up. "I've been working on it for ages, the more I add the more beautiful it becomes." He stood their admiring his horrible doing.

"W-why would you do s-such a thing." I weakly stuttered.

"It's all the people who decide to do me wrong. If someone disobeys me in such a strong way I will kill them. I can't control the anger, but I don't mind. I like it. The bodies started to take up too much space, so I decide to make my own project. And I'm in love with it."

"That's the last thing from art Pan, this is so messed up. I cannot believe that someone would do that to people, it's just cruel." I said looking at him with shock. My eyes started to burn from the tears and my throat started to close.

Pan grabbed my hand and yanked me forward. I dug my heels in the grounded refusing to move with him.

I squeezed me eyes closed and screamed in pain as it felt like my hand was going to be ripped from my body.

When he let go up my hand, I opened my eyes softly and looked up to see a gigantic tree with small huts branching off of it.

"You're mean," I cried to myself as I tried to rubbed the pain away on my hand.

"Where did you take me?" I brushed my tears away and stood up straight taking a step away from Pan.

"Ahhh Josephine, this is were all the magic happens." I shuddered at the endless possibilities that could happen.

A tall ladder made with skinny, fragile wood appeared in front of us . When I looked around, I didn't see Pan.

"Hurry up," I looked up to see Pan who already started to climb on the ladder, so I did as I was told.

After a few minutes of climbing we arrived at what I'm guessing was his house. It was made out of bamboo and wood, and the roof was made out of moss and leaves from the jungle ground. It wasn't big, but it wasn't small either. You could have 3 or 4 people living their.

"This is were you will be living for the rest of your days" said Pan.

I rolled my eyes at the boy and walked over the the window trying to distract myself from the fact that I will probably never get to see my family again.

The view was beautiful. The trees were tall with a light fog surrounding them. Forgetting about the lonely corpse. The moon light reflecting off of the ocean water, making the water seem shiny. The sound of the ocean hitting the shore made me close my eyes with joy.

"Go to bed." Pan said appearing next to me.

"I'm not tired," I said with my eyes still closed.

"Well at least come to bed." He said turning around and sitting on his bed.

"We're not sharing a room are we?" I asked opening my eyes.

"What, you thought you would get a whole room to yourself." He asked me rising his eyebrow. "You'll run away if you do. And we don't want that. I don't want that."

"Yeah, Right." I said going along with it and awkwardly moving toward the bed. "Wait no I can't sleep in the same bed with a boy like you."

"Then sleep on the floor. I don't care." he said laying down, putting his hands behind his head. "Turn off the lights." He said closing his eyes with a smile.

I grabbed some type of animal fur off the corner of the bed and laid it down on the ground. I pulled the light string down turning off the lights and climbed under my blanket, using my arm as a pillow.

"Good-night Josie." Pan whispered sarcastically.

"Good-night" I whispered back trying not to cry. Thinking about this situation made my stomach feel like it was up my throat.

I want to go home.

Corruption. (A OUAT Peter Pan FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now