who says we'll have an ending? | alan grant

2.3K 31 14

· a/n: this is sort of a vent. inspired by the fourth prompt from the official fictober prompt list. I've had the biggest crush on him (and the actor, Sam Neill) since I was eight, so this is the culmination of a lot of fangirling over the years. (this picture is adorable look at the dust all over him oh my word...i didn't picture dust on him in this scenario but this screencap fits best)


· fandom: jurassic park

· prompt: "that didn't stop you before." 

· warnings: rejection, angst to fluff

· word count: 2.5K

· music: Just Friends by James Newton Howard

"Here, these are ready to be rinsed again," Alan instructed. He stood up briefly to hand you a tub of chemically prepped fossil specimens that had been soaking for some time, which you quickly rose from your stool to take. Your fingers grazed his own as you did so, provoking that funny feeling in your stomach again. His lips quirked up into a smile before he bent back over the other fossils he was still prepping. You took the fossils out of the tub carefully and began the delicate process of rinsing the treatment from them before they could be properly re-coated. As you washed away bits of the matrix from the specimen with the help of a bristled tool, silence fell between the two of you.

You mulled over your thoughts as you concentrated carefully on the task at hand. In your process of brushing away at the crumbling sedimentary rock that coated the specimens, you also had to seal the fossils with a PVA resin as they appeared. It was a tedious process, but since you had been doing it for so long, it had almost become therapeutic – which meant you were able to think about other things once you got into a good rhythm.

You could think about Alan and the way he seemed to invade your every thought and how subtle touches and finger grazes had been occurring for the past couple of months, just as it had minutes ago when he handed you the tub. Was it just your hope for something more that made you notice these little things more and more? Surely they weren't merely accidental?

The muffled sounds of chattering voices and clinking tools could be heard from outside of the trailer where the rest of the volunteers and assistant paleontologists were tinkering away at the earth. It left little else to be heard or spoken, save for any instructions the two of you had for each other as you worked. The silence of concentration had never bothered you before like it did now as you tried to come up with a way to express your feelings to the paleontologist behind you.

After some time, when you had finished rinsing what you could, you took the tub back to the table across from him, setting it carefully beside the prepped acid baths he was working with. You sat back down on your stool and started gluing small fragments together that had already gone through the process of preparation. Your ability to concentrate dwindled with him in your line of sight; you couldn't help but glance away every few seconds to admire him, toying with the idea of asking him outright about the subtle flirting. He was oblivious, of course – or at least you hoped he was.

"Alan, can I ask you something?"

"Mhm," he hummed, his gaze stilled fixated on the specimens he was dipping into the acid treatments with his gloved hands. You waited to continue until he pulled his hands out and laid the sediment onto a tray next to the others. He perceived your patient silence as a request to pause for a moment, which he did.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2020 ⏰

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