Finally Free

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After talking to Yosano, Chuuya glowed with a vibrant red hue. He touched Dazai and Atsushi to have them float.

"I am taking them home." He tells the doctor before heading over to his car. He gently put the both of them in the backseat, leaning against each other. The red head sighed, there was no way he was letting either of them out of his sight after all this. After he got them settled he sat in the driver's seat glancing at his two lovers with concern, worry, and love. He drove them to his apartment since there was no way he was leaving them alone with their injuries.

Getting them into the elevator, into his apartment and into the room had been slightly difficult since both were still unconscious. He changed both of their clothes after stripping them of their bloodied clothing. He laid the both of them down onto his king size bed covering them with the blankets and sheets. After getting them settled he changed out of his dirty clothing before heading to the kitchen to make himself tea. While drinking his tea he thought about how his and Dazai's kitten would be when he woke up. He hoped it didn't bring up any unpleasant memories. Once his tea was finished he headed back to the bedroom stopping in the doorway. He stared at the two that had moved to cuddle each other while he was away. When he was told that Dazai and Atsushi had been captured he did everything he could to help find them. He had never felt so angry than he did the moment his eyes laid on an injured Atsushi in Dazai's arms. He knew Dazai could handle himself and would be fine. He wasn't an executive in the Port Mafia for nothing. Atsushi on the other hand was more sensitive due to his time in the orphanage. He had been so scared that he would lose one or both of them since it took so long to find them. Still looking at the two he finally let the tears he had been holding back fall. He heard Atsushi whimpering, wiping his tears away he rushed over and laid beside the were-tiger. He snuggled into Atsushi's back as the tiger gripped onto Dazai's shirt hiding his face in his chest. Chuuya hushed the white haired male while rubbing his head. After Atsushi calmed down, the red haired man wrapped his arms around the younger male and grabbed Dazai's hand. He closed his eyes as exhaustion was pulling him into a peaceful sleep. His last thought being that he would do anything for the two next to him. He would destroy the whole world for them since they are his most important people.

Light filtered into the master bedroom the next day shining onto the three lovers that were curled up into each other. The brunette grunted as the light shone into his closed eyes and his body hurt everywhere. He slowly opened his eyes to a sight that was so precious to him. Atsushi was curled into his chest with Chuuya curled around him. He recalled the memories of the night before and was grateful that it was over. He didn't think that Atsushi would be used against him like that. He was angry that the filthy leader even dared to hurt his kitten to get to him. He will never make that mistake again. He would kill again for him if he needed. He was glad that Chuuya was there to make those filthy shits pay. He pulled both of his lovers closer to him despite his body protesting any movement. He laid a sweet kiss onto the white haired male's head. He laid in bed just watching his lovers breath a feeling of warmth and calm come over him. They were both safe, that was the most important thing. The red headed male shifted as he groaned, waking up rather regretfully, throughout the night he woke up to check on the two injured males. Dazai looked over in time to see glazed blue eyes opening. He smiled when Chuuya sprang up.

"Osamu. Are you feeling okay?" Concern laced in his voice as he looked over the brunette's body.

"Well of course I am! Who do you think I am?" Dazai grinned smugly at his red haired lover. The both hear a whimper and an argument that might have started halted. Both looked down at the white haired lover who was grimacing in discomfort like he did when he entered a nightmare. Dazai pulled the youngest against him while Chuuya rubbed and kissed his head whispering in his ear. Atsushi calmed down after a couple of minutes of the soothing motions. The two of them stayed curled up into the white haired male until they were sure he was calm.

"You know you both worried me." Chuuya whispered into the warm brightly light room. Dazai looked up from the white haired male to the red haired male. He knew how worried the mafia executive had been, hell he was worried when those filthy bastards brought Atsushi in.


It was supposed to be a fairly easy mission but as luck would have it some information was left out. The mission was just supposed to be capturing the members and questioning them. They did not know that the organization they were after had ability users. After the ADA infiltrated the warehouse they were met with 3 different ability users, one of them being the leader. The leader's ability was a pain in the ass, if he met your eyes he can make you hallucinate. As they were fighting the organization God's Redemption Atsushi was at his limit, as he still didn't have full control of his ability. It would time out after a certain amount of time. What he didn't realize was an enemy pointing a gun at him but Dazai did. Dazai pushed his lover out of the way, getting shot himself. As he put pressure on the wound on his side he yelled at Atsushi to retreat with everyone saying he was right behind them, knowing full well he was lying. After Atsushi was out of sight he collapsed and was captured.

Flashback ends

Dazai turned his cold emotionless eyes to Chuuya's bright blue ones, he was absolutely furious that they had laid a hand on Atsushi. He was also upset with himself for letting it happen. He promised to himself that he would protect the weretiger at all cost, he was the light for both himself and for Chuuya. He was what made life worth living, why he actually looks forward to the future.

"There was no one left right Chuuya?" His voice was harsh and cold, which brought a chill down Chuuya's spin. Chuuya's eyes hardened as he realized what Dazai was asking about.

"No one was left after I was done with them." The executive's voice was hard as steel with barely contained fury. They both looked down at the light of their life, calming down when Atsushi had gripped onto one of their hands. They just stared at the youngest one with eyes that had softened at seeing a smile on his face. They stayed there for a moment just admiring their cute adorable lover. As if sensing the two pairs of eyes on him Atsushi slowly opened his lavender gold eyes to meet warm chocolate brown ones. He looked over his shoulder to see another pair of eyes on him, ones that shone a bright blue.

"Good Morning Osamu, Chuuya." He voice hoarse from sleep. Dazai and Chuuya nuzzled into Atsushi, placing small kisses on his neck. He smiled at the love he was receiving from his lovers, one of the reasons he loved waking up to them by his side. He always felt safe and loved in their presence. He just wished he could wake up to this everyday.

"Good Morning Kitten." Both males kissing his neck replied with love and adoration saturated in their voice. They all thought the same thing as they laid there snuggled together. I wish we could spend every morning like this. 

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