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A year later

Atsushi was in the kitchen cooking supper for his two boyfriends. He wanted to surprise them before they got home as it was their 3 year anniversary. He hummed as he took the freshly made crab legs out of the boiling pot of water, placing them on a platter. He had already finished with the miso soup and rice, having already placed them on the table in their dining room. After placing the crab legs on the table he headed to Chuuya's wine stash, grabbing the 1945 Doanime de la Romanée-Conti and poured it into three glasses. Once everything was set he rushed to their bedroom and changed into a soft blue oversized sweater with black leggings that his two boyfriends loved on him. He rushed to the bathroom to make sure he looked presentable for his boyfriends. While brushing his hair he heard the front door open and with one last look in approval he went to greet his boyfriends.

Dazai sighed as he walked home; it had been a day filled with paperwork and Kunikida yelling at him. He just wanted to get home so he could lay down with his hatrack and kitten. Though he knew Atsushi had something planned for him and Chuuya when they got home. His little kitten hadn't really been as secretive as he thought he was. Though he and Chuuya were as they were finally planning on proposing to Atsushi tonight. He sighed happily as he thought of his two boyfriends. They really have been the light in his life and made him want to keep living. He smiled slightly as he saw a tired looking slug walking the opposite way of him.

"Chuu~ya!" He called out waving his hand in the air as if the redhead couldn't see him. He watched Chuuya shake his head in an irritated but fond way. Dazai skipped his way up to his small lover with a teasing glint in his eyes.

Chuuya groaned as he left the Port Mafia headquarters after a long day. He had tried to get today off but there was a mission Mori wanted him to carry out. He couldn't wait to get home to snuggle up to his kitten and mackerel. He and Dazai had planned a perfect day out for Atsushi as they had planned something big for him. Shit he needed to pick up the rings before he went home, damn he had completely forgotten about it with the mission. He ran toward the jewelry store and sighed gratefully as he saw the store had yet to close. Once the rings were picked up he headed back toward home. As he got closer he heard his name be called and he shook his head as he knew exactly who it was. The teasing voice could only belong to his suicidal manic of a boyfriend. He looked up to see flailing arms wrap around him causing Chuuya to step back as he wasn't expecting the weight of Dazai.

"Oof-" He regained his balance by wrapping his arms around his way too energetic boyfriend. He felt Dazai nuzzle his head causing him to sigh fondly. He would never get tired of his boyfriend's energy no matter how much it got on his nerves. He pulled back to see Dazai grinning down at him, it aggravated him that the ex-mafioso was so tall but he could live with it.

"Hey Mackerel. You just get off of work as well?" He smiled up at the bandaged man, though he was confused as he thought Dazai would be home with Atsushi. He remembered Dazai saying that both he and Atsushi had the day off so he wondered why he was at work.

"Yes. Kunikida forced me to come in and finish up the paperwork that was on my desk." Dazai groaned as he complained about Kunikida and the amount of work he had to do. He continued to walk next to Chuuya as he went on and on about his horrible day and how he hoped that it would be a lot better once he got to cuddle his slug and kitten.

They both continued to talk while they walked back home, going over the plan of what they would do when they got home. When they reached their front door they looked to each other and nodded their heads in agreement. They were both excited as today was their 3 year anniversary and the day they would officially ask Atsushi to spend forever with them. Chuuya unlocked the door, smelling something amazing when the door first opened. He smiled at the sight of Atsushi smiling at him and Dazai. He loved coming home to this sight everyday.

"Hey kitten." Chuuya placed a gentle kiss onto Atsushi's forehead and lips as he passed by him. He could hear Dazai greet their young lover before following into the living room. He stared in shock once he took in the dining room table. There were three candles lit in the middle which shone light onto the array of food that was placed around the three plates. He turned to stare at Atsushi as he didn't expect the younger one to prepare anything. He honestly thought that he would be making tonight's dinner. It was definitely a nice, loving surprise. He walked back up to Atsushi and pulled him down into a deep loving kiss.

Dazai watched the two of them kiss with a smirk on his face. He loved watching his two loves doing anything together, especially in the bedroom. He shifted as to try to calm himself down when the two parted a sling of saliva linking them together. He cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the two.

"I think we should dig into the amazing dinner our little Kitten made us."

"Ah yes definitely. It all looks amazing Atsu." Chuuya moved to the table and sat down in his usual seat. Atsushi and Dazai followed and they all dug into the food. When everything was eaten, Dazai and Chuuya looked at each other secretly and nodded. It was time to ask Atsushi to become theirs forever. Chuuya stood up and went over to Atsushi, grabbing his hand standing him up. While he did this, Dazai stood up behind Atsushi and knelt down on one knee.

"Okay Kitten, I need you to close your eyes for me. Keep them closed until I say so." Once Atsushi's eyes are closed, he turns him around so he faces Dazai. He then went over to the taller man and knelt down on one knee as well. Chuuya took out the ring meant for Atsushi and had Dazai hold it with him.

"Okay, open your eyes." Atsushi opened his eyes and gasped. He couldn't believe the sight in front of him.

"Atsushi you are the love of our lives. We never expected to find someone who could fit us so perfectly. We never knew that we would find a soulmate who loves us so much." Chuuya smiled up at the were-tiger as he spoke.

"Kitten you are the light of our lives. We wouldn't know what to do without you. We love you so much. So there is one thing we would like to ask you." Dazai let a genuine smile form.

"Will you marry us Atsushi Nakajima?" They both said in sync. They watched several emotions fly across Atsushi's eyes. They kneeled there waiting for their love's response.

Atsushi couldn't speak. He was so shocked and in love. He never thought this would happen to him. He could feel tears filling his eyes and running down his face. He had never felt so happy before in his life. Realizing that he still hadn't responded, Atsushi flung himself at his lovers.

"Yes! Yes! I want to marry you both!" He laughed with glee as he hugged the both of them. He pulled back and let Chuuya put the ring on his left hand. He gazed at the ring in awe as it was beautiful. Chuuya pulled out the other two rings and handed one to Dazai. They put them on and then tackled their younger fiancé.

That night none of them got any sleep and had to call into work as they couldn't let go of each other. 

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