how to request?

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Hello everyone, Aya here.

So I have decided that I would love to make covers for anyone who is interested in letting me. I have got past experience with making covers with me having made @morbidchic98 's covers in the past. However I have improved even further and want to help you all with your cover issues. Because of this I am now taking requests for MOST genre's. The exception being any sexual covers as I REFUSE to make those.

I also prefer to make anime based covers but I do, do real life based covers.

So enough jabbering from me. If you are interested in me making you a cover then just simply do this. Fill in the form below.

Title of story:

A quote you want on the cover (if you do):

Story genre:

If fan fiction then say what it's a fan fiction of:

Your name which you want on the cover:

Email (so I can send it or I'll post it on my facebook and you use it like that) :

Additional request on the cover:

That is all everyone. So please request ^^

((I have placed a sample cover in the media section ))

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