Mockingjay Plot Twist

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Beetee suddenly makes the announcement over the system that the rescue attempt was a complete success. Everyone involved in the risky mission, including the rescue team and the refugees, are now safely back in District 13. I drop the pearl in shock. I have been waiting days to hear any news on it; I strongly believed that I had lost both Gale and Peeta forever. My two best friends. Now I know that they're both safe.
"Go see Peeta, he's in the hospital wing getting checked out by a team of doctors," Haymitch informs me as he places the pearl back in my hand. I immediately return it to its home in my pants pocket and I quickly make my way there, running as fast as possible. Haymitch wraps a supportive arm around Effie's shoulders as he watches me disappear down the hall. The hospital isn't too far away from my family's compartments since I always seem to end back up there anyways.
I see Gale leaning against the wall, one of his arms resting in a blue sling. He must have broke it during the rescue mission. Or at least strained a muscle. "I'll be alright, Catnip. He's in there," Gale motions to the nearby hospital room and I can clearly hear constant beeping noises coming from the other side of the door.
"Thank you so much," I give Gale a quick hug, but carefully because of his injured arm. Than with a shaky hand, I grab hold of the doorknob and slowly opens up the door. The group of doctors step aside when they become aware of my presence, but they stay nearby just in case.
Peeta is sitting upright on the bed, just staring out into space. The beeping noises I heard is coming from the heart monitor he has been hooked up to. The doctors probably need to check his vital signs, make sure everything is normal. A single IV line has been placed in his left forearm, the clear liquid dripping rather fast. I can't help but shiver a bit remembering all the times I've been on one; they're so uncomfortable.
"Peeta?" My voice shakes a bit but it's still audible. His head perks up at the mention of his name. That's when I see his face for the first time; bloody and beaten. My heart is breaking into little pieces. I'm literally on the verge of tears, about to release whatever emotions are hiding inside of me.
He stands up from the bed, quickly wrapping his arms around me, embracing me in a hug. I want to hug him back, but I'm scared that I'll somehow rip out his IV tube. I'm sure it's something important, like fluids or medications.
"I was so worried about you, Katniss. Everyone kept telling me you were dead. They wouldn't show me any of the propo clips you've done. But none of that matters now. What matters now is that we're united, and I'm never letting you go. I'm going to protect you for the rest of my life Katniss because I love you," Peeta plants a kiss on my lips. I can't resist; I kiss him back in return.

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