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3rd person's pov :

Both Jk and V entered their school with dark circles under their eyes. Jungkook couldn't sleep all night because rather than sleeping, he shredded tears for V while V himself couldn't sleep all night as Jungkook kept showing in his dreams, touching him erotically. Never knew that V had such pervy side ;)

Things were getting confusing and more complicated between Jungkook and V. Both liked each other. They surely had more sexual attraction towards each other but still they weren't those "hormonal teenagers", whose life just revolved around sex and sex and just sex. They genuinely liked each other and they knew it cause they both could feel their heart beating fast as their eyes met, the sudden sparks that made them shiver with just a single touch, yes they knew it but hey! life is unpredictable and it fucks you so hard that you won't even know when it takes your virginity away.

V's pov :

I was walking down the hallway to my class. My cheeks were starting to hurt because of the smile that has been plastered on my face since morning by the thoughts of Jungkook.

I was pulled out of my trance when i was pulled harshly inside an dark ,old, empty classroom.

The room was very dimly lit and i couldn't see anything clearly. Suddenly the bulb above me flashed a beam of light on me. I covered my eyes with my hand to block the bright light. I peeped through the gap between my fingers,to see Jungkook standing at the corner of the room.

My face lit up with excitement as soon as i saw him. I removed my hand from my face , greeted him with my boxy smile and waved at him but i didn't get the respond that i expected and thats where i knew that something is wrong.

"Hey fag , who are you waving at huh!?", said a voice right behind me. I turned to look at the person behind me but was pushed towards the floor harshly.

"Ah! What are - ", i couldnt complete my sentence as i was punched on my face with a huge force.

What's going on! Why are they hitting me? Why is Jungkook not doing anything about it?

I was again pulled out of my thoughts when i saw 5 guys standing infront of me. Oh! Not just any 6 guys but Jungkook's friend , my bullies and the people who hated me to their guts. RM, Suga, Jhope ,Jimin and Jin had an annoyed look on their face.

"Wht are you looking at, you fag , oh yeah! You probably want us to fuck you, dont you? ", asked RM with disgust plastered on his face. My eyes widened at what he said. Sure they have treated me worse than this before but thay never said anything this vulgar.

"W- what are you t- talking about?",my voice broke as i was in the verge of tears. "Haha dont worry bitch, we will treat you with best day of your life." , said Jhope and with that  they all grabed my hands and legs and tied them to the side of a bench. I struggled to get free from their grasp but it was of no use. I was already a crying mess.

I shifted my eyes towards Jungkook, only to see him looking back at me with an expressionless face. What?! No! I dont want you to look at me with that gaze. I want be loved, by you then why that cold look!!?

More tears welled up my eyes as i realized that Jungkook hasn't changed, he still that person who cared too much about his reputation. I feel so used. I closed my eyes as i lost all the hopes of happiness in my life.

I shifted my gaze back to the men ,who now stood with their belts unbuckled.

Shit!! I dont want to lose my virginity to people who i hated!!

"Somebody help!!", i shouted as loudly i could. "You fucktard.", gritted Suga as he lashed his belt on my thighs and then tied the belt over my mouth to stop me from screaming.

Hot tears rolled down my cheeks. I would do anything to get out of this situation but there is no one to save me and my last hope has turned his back on me.

Before realizing what's gonna happen next, my pants were yanked off and thrown across the room.

"Oh damn!! I gotta say you have the legs of a women.", said Jimin while rubbing my thighs. I turned my face to the side, not wanting my eyes to witness this situation. I could feel those lustful gaze towards me, it is the same as those that i get in the bar.

My legs were harshly parted from between and i could feel the cold air hitting my sensitive skin. I could feel a hand touching my dick and suddenly something that felt like a cold metal in the shape of a ring surrounded at the bottom of my cock.

What the hell is that !!!!??

I began shaking violently in order to free my self.

"Dont move, you slut!!", said one of the voice that i couldn't recognise beacuse my eyes were closed.

"Hey Jungkook do you want us to teach this fag some obedience?", said RM and i could figure out him smirking at me.

I felt so small at that moment. I wanted Jungkook to push them away from me and embrace me in his arms.
I just wanted to feel protected but i knew that i wouldn't ever get that. My mother and father left me all alone under my own care, i have no friends to share my thoughts with and the last person who i thought liked me too has now left me alone. Why am i so pathetic!!? I dont want to suffer more.
I have had enough! Please someone make them stop!!

My fate wont change even if i cried and screamed till my voice becomes sore and my body is left with no energy , so i just waited to hear Jungkook's reply.

Cliffhanger hehe 🐽

Read the next chapter to find out what is Jungkook's reply!!!

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