finding the perfect timeline - c9km - army

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-- the timeline has been manipulated again --
-- playing new timeline --

@ Masaru woke up, unaware of his environment, once again his vision was blurry when he opened his eyes
@ when Masaru got his vision back, he noticed he was somewhere else, it seemed to him like a country, but he didnt know where or what, he questioned himself if that what was called a "city"
@ Masaru wandered around in hope to find some people to be with, exploring the new world reduced his evilness to 27%
@ after a while, he encountered someone in which wasnt as familiar to him as all the rest of the humans he was surrounded,
@ trying to talk to that person seemed impossible since Masaru looked a lot different and from a different person in which the human tried to understand if Masaru was an alien, however, Masaru didnt understand the concept of "Aliens" so that confused him,
@ after what felt like thousands of questions Masaru finally snapped and summoned dragon shaped skulls that aimed at the human,
@ the human got scared and questioned if it was a dream
@ suddenly, the police arrived and Masaru aimed at them, only this time he shot at them and destroyed the police cars with the humans in them,
@ it suddenly came in the news that a mysterious creature started attacking, and he goes on a killing rampage,
@ the news lady said that for everyones sake to stay at home and not get out when suddenly Masaru shot at the news lady,
@ when it seemed like over around Masaru, the FBI came and started attacking all over the place, tanks, helicopters, even airplanes with rockets attacked, yet it was no use since Masaru could manipulate the matter around them to make everything explode faster,
@ the entire army tried to stop Masaru out of the rage, his evilness increased to 56% where his clothes were bloody red, and his head got demon horns, since the bullets couldnt even rich Masaru, the army tried rockets, yet Masaru just re-aimed the rockets back to the shooters, the army questioned what type of creature is that demonic and sadistic to kill humans like that,
@ outrageous of the event of everything, Masaru started a thunderstorm, lightning got everywhere, lots of humans died, the rain pured everywhere, Masaru questioned if thats is his life now, killing people, fighting everyone, was that a life worth living?

did Masaru gave up? is he going to kill himself?! no! i gotta stop him!!!
@ masaru raised his hand, he prepared to destroy himself with a thunder blast,


@ Askar pushed Masaru away from the thunder, but got hit badly in the rest of his body, it was safe to say his legs were destroyed, and his arms were not responsive and had to tear them out so he could have psychic arms, he made one of the army people tear them out, in the end, Masaru was scared for his life from what he did to askar that he =reset= and =recreate= the timeline at the same time and caused a new timeline to be created

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