the new REALITY (the perfect timeline season 2) - part

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after Masaru was stuck in the new timeline, he figured he had to take care of Eve and himself, unlike when he was solo, now he had to act more pacifist, while his rage and evilness was still quite high, he took all his rage out to the animals he killed in order to survive, making fire was an issue, since it was before anything was even created, but despite that, Masaru knew his way around and impressed Eve with every new thing he did for survival, making fire, hunting animals, and Eve wanted to surprise Masaru with some stuff aswell, but Masaru kept rejecting her from those stuff.
1 day, Eve confessed to Masaru she was about to give birth to some kids. the anger in Masaru's face was high as hell since he didnt want anyone else in his life, Eve was way too much already! despite that, when Eve gave birth to those kids, Masaru accepted they can stay AS LONG they will become hunters when they grow up or atleast help get food, Eve gave birth to 3 boys, and 3 girls, while Masaru was hunting for food, Eve took care of the new born babies, after a while, the kids grew, the elder one was named Mike, the middle one was called Axel, and the youngest one was named Keito, while the twin girl of Mike was called Abigale, the twin of Axel was called Gabriella, and the twin of Keito was called Lakka.
when the kids grew up, Axel started practicing as a hunter, while Mike was growing fruit and veggies, while Keito was taking care of animals to get their food liek bacon, eggs and milk.
one day, all three kids decided to give god some food for good fortune, Mike gave high quality veggies that were cleaned and ready to eat, Keito gave fresh new eggs and clean milk, while Axel gave raw meat that wasnt ready for eating just yet thinking god in omnipotent so he can just cook it himself. god accepted the treats of Mike and Keito but not Axel's, thinking Axel was a bit selfish not making the food already, and gave higher luck to Mike and Keito, Mike was willed with better wisdom to make better crops and Keito was willed in better understanding of animals to get better quality animal products, Axel was angry that his treats were not taken, and decided to hurt Mike and Keito, however, when he was about to punch Mike, Masaru asked what was Axel doing, Axel then realized he wasnt in control of his actions, and weird feeling he couldnt understand made him think differently, Masaru, being the futuristic type character in that world still when it came to knowledge was capable of explaining to Axel he was acting from jealousy, and decided to help Axel to get god better treats.
timeline has been affected, new ending has been found

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