let's rant!

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So, I decided to make a rant chapter where...I obviously rant about things/people.

1) First, I will rant about bullies.

-Go FUCK YOURSELF!If one of you does that...just go suck a fuck, take a cold shower and chill.WHY woukd ya' ever do that?? It's pointless! Stop making fun of people,nobody is perfect.NOR YOU! So, do what I told you above and stop bullying because it's full of shit.

2) People who hate people with mental disorders.

I have a question.Or maybe 2.What if someone is depressed? What if someone has bulimia or anorexia? I don't get it! It is NOT their fault.They did not mean to be like that! Some people have abusive parents or they get bullied at school and their only escape is self-harming.I get it.Not all of them are attention whores!maybe some of them are, some of them aren't.Stop judging people if you do not know them!

I know it sucks, ok?I can't sleep, tommorrow is a school day,and I am going to fall asleep any seconds from now on.So, good night and thx for reading!:)
   ~Maria xx

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