Pillow Fight

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Disclaimer: Anything you recognise I do not own.

"Evening, Siri-poo!" Lyria gushed as she opened the door to their dorm. Sirius scrunched his eyebrows together.

"How did you get past the wards?"

"The wards?" She raised an eyebrow and Sirius coughed. 

"Nothing." She shrugged and flopped onto the black haired boy's bed. Internally she was laughing her head off, there had been wards on the boys dormitory to keep her out, extremely complex ones at that. She had gotten rid of them of course, but it just meant she was close to winning the bet. There was a part of her that was hurt at the fact that he had put a barrier up to keep her away from him. 

"Baby, what are you doing?" Sirius was frowning at the door and looking at his wand.

"Uh nothing, love." 

"Fancy a game of exploding snap?" He nodded and sat opposite her. Ten minutes later, Lyria was losing badly. But her pride was in the way and she wouldn't stop playing until she won. The cards exploded for the twentieth time and she cried out at the burns on her face. Remus waved his wand and they disappeared. 

"I'm sorry love." Sirius winced. Lyria sighed, she really was bad at this game.

"It's not your fault, I'm terrible at this, I always will be." 

"It's not your fault I'm terrible at this, I always will be, name of Salvatore's sex tape." James sniggered.

She grabbed a pillow and threw it in James' direction. She heard a girlish scream.

"HEY! Missy this is our dorm. You can't just come in here uninvited and attack me."

"Sirius wants me here." Lyria smirked.

"Do you want her here?" James asked his mate and Sirius shrugged.

"Stop being annoying Prongs." James gasped.

"TRAITOR!" James started forward but tripped on a trunk and fell over. Lyria and Sirius shared a look and laughed. He picked up two pillows and did a forwards roll and stood back up. He brandished the pillows like swords and unleashed a battle cry.


Lyria yelped and jumped off the bed. She ran around the room with James chasing her.

"That's right fear me!" He chucked one of the pillows at her and missed.

"Hahahahha you misse-OW!" His second pillow was successful and hit her mid evil laugh. She grabbed the pillow and started towards him.

"Oh no." James started backwards and tripped over the same trunk. Lyria launched herself and landed on top of him. She whacked him with the pillow repeatedly.

"Moony-ow-Help me-ow-please!" Remus rolled his eyes and waved his wand lazily. A pillow levitated and knocked Lyria off the bespeckled boy. Lyria gasped dramatically.

"You betrayed me!" She rushed back to Sirius' bed and pulled him beside it with her. He grinned as he looked at her and she grinned back.

"Right, you take the left I'll take the right." She handed him a pillow and he nodded.

"Got it."

"On my count.....GO!" They both leaped out and attacked James together. They all landed in a heap and started laughing.

"Padfoot get your foot off my face!" Peter called.

"Get your face off my foot!" 

"Ow Salvatore get your foot off my face." James complained.

How to lose a guy in 20 days (Sirius Black x oc) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now