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One day a deer was born. His name was Bambi. His mother washed him all over with her tongue.

"Bambi," she said. "My little Bambi."

The young Bambi was curious about everything. He learned he was a deer, and so was his mother. He learned there are other deer in the forest, and someday he would meet them. He learned the trails his mother followed were made by the deer. Bugs and critters, sounds and smells. So many wonders to explore!

Sometimes on a trail, suddenly his mother would stop still. She would open her ears wide and listen from all directions. First- over there! Then- here! Bambi would wait. At last, when she said, "It's all right. There's no danger. We can go," then the two of them would start on the trail again. But he did not know why they had to do this.

One day, his mother took him to the meadow for the first time. He started to run out to the open clearing but she jumped right in front of him. "Stop!" said she. "Stay here. I must go out first. Wait till I call for you. But if I start to run, you must turn around and run back into the woods very fast. Do not stop. Do you understand me?"

Bambi's mother slowly stepped out into the open meadow. She sniffed all around. She looked this way and that, alert and carefully. After awhile she said, "It's fine, Bambi. Nothing to worry about. Come on!" He bounded out to meet her.

Oh, what a bright sun! Back in the woods, Bambi had seen a stray sunbeam every now and then, but here the hot bright sun warmed him all over. He felt marvellous and jumped high into the air. Each time he landed on grass softer than any grass he had ever felt. Then he leaped back up again, over and over.

In some places the flowers were so thick, they made a sweet carpet. But what was that tiny thing dancing in the air? "Look, Mother!" said Bambi. "The flower is flying." Why, that flower must have needed to dance so much, Bambi thought, that it broke right off its stem to rise up and dance in the air.

"That's not a flower, Bambi," said the mother, "it's a butterfly."

Then – Thump, thump, thump! On a rock was a young hare, a rabbit, thumping its foot.

"Hello, there!" smiled Hare, raising one tall ear. "Want to play?"

"Sure!" said Bambi.

"Catch me!" Hare hopped off the rock into the grass, hop-hopping away. Bambi was a bit faster at running and jumping, but Hare was better at hiding, so the two of them had a fine time.

On top of the flowers, a tall, fluffy black and white tail was sliding over to them. "Why, I'd know that tail anywhere!" said Hare. "It's my friend Skunk. He's under the flowers. Skunk?" And sure enough, a black and white head popped up.

"This is Bambi," said Hare. Soon the three of them were exploring the meadow, sniffing its rich deep smells.

After awhile, Hare and Skunk had to go home. Bambi looked around. "Mother! Where are you?" At the far side of the meadow he saw her, with a creature that looked just like her.

"Bambi, come meet my sister Ena," called Bambi's mother. "And her two little ones." Bambi hopped over. Two fawns, little Faline and her brother Gobo, were running in and out of their mother's legs.

Faline gave a leap and landed right in front of Bambi, then jumped back to Gobo. With care, Bambi stepped up to her. Faline hopped off to one side and Gobo followed. Soon the three of them were chasing each other up and down the grass.

"Now run off and play, all of you," said Bambi's mother.

Every day after that, the three young deer played and chattered. They raced and chased, they nibbled many strawberries and blueberries on the bushes, and sometimes they just talked.

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