summer & beyond

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It was a hot summer day of April and I always hated this season (the only thing that hasn't changed in these years), I was sweating in my school dress and the fan was also not working that well (the usual situation for a government school), it was the classroom of 44, well in all these years I didn't understood that how kids can like summer so much whereas in winters you are bound to go out and warm yourself up but no in winters they will be hibernating like a bear in their blankets.

Well I was in 11th then, a normal shy or you can say introvert type of person who just loved cricket, reading novels and to some extent writing blogs.

The session had just started a couple of days ago and with total uncertainty about the future I was lying to my desk and with certainty that nothing new was going to happen, a miracle occurred.

I can never forget that day when she came to our class with no expression of fear or shyness but a definitive and straight look towards her future look on her face. I had never seen any person so stable on his/her first day of their new school. She had a face towards whom I fallout at once, call it a crush or love but it was definitely something that I may not have felt towards anyone else before.


Her name was Ria and she came from a nearby school (someone might have suggested her that scoring nice grade in 11th and 12th from this school can be much easier) and she came with another friend of hers from the same school. Whole class hated them specially her, more often to boys as because of our basic mentality a) she didn't bother to pay much attention to them, b) according to them she doesn't have a nice figure. Well I still can't able to understand why are we judging on the basis of all that shit. Anyway as the couple of days passed I was able to understand her more well not by talking to her (as I didn't have that courage) but on the basis of her response towards the teachers while they were teaching and I had to admit that she was damn good at studies and I was nowhere close to her. I always wondered how can a person can pay that level of attention in such a way, I mean if I am not wrong I haven't quite noticed blinking her eyes in a full hazardous 45 min of a class. Since I knew that I can never able to do that because when I tried with my full strength, at best I was not able to stand more than 10 min. so by this I knew that I might not be able to catch her level of intelligence but I can at least try.

I was always lost in her thoughts as I guess was the same stage from which every teen has been through, even though it was hard to concentrate on your studies or work at these situations as I always hated my school life because of issues like getting up early, being bullied (well it was the case in different school when I was much smaller then), irritating principle which had taken over our school that year. As always being an introvert I didn't usually talked that much and after this new feeling it has almost stopped and as you know the thinking of our society that they assume a person to be in love as a) he always remains alone and, b) lost in his world (which again one of the lamest and irritating things you will come across), well due to these assumptions at least they got the idea that I am in love with someone although I tried to rubbish these things but still.... by the way I didn't reveal who that someone was but there might be some guys who hit it right as I came across in conversation with them.

Leaving this aside I came up with an idea to impress her as well as doing good in studies was to score high in my following exams. It didn't work out as expected in fact the performance was miserable or you can say worst till now leaving both my reputation in front of her and my future in a questioning situation.


One day I was eating my lunch at break time as usual no one to accompany me, then suddenly Ria said "Rohan hi", (forgot to mention Rohan is my name)

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