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Time has passed and the two love birds have definitely gotten closer. Their relationship, if it even counts as one, has evolved over time. With the two young teens bonding over particular interests they both share as well as the differences they seemed to have which, funnily enough, only brought them closer.

One chilly afternoon both Five and (Y/N) found themselves laying down in Five's bed. Both with their backs propped against the bed frame, (Y/N) resting her head on Five's shoulder a bit drowsily. All the meanwhile Five found himself profusely engrossed on one of the many books he owned from his personal library that took residence upon his room.

Suddenly (Y/N) let out a sigh before rubbing off the drowsiness from her eyes with closed fists. Never even once catching  the attention of her companion, not even one bit. Deciding that she was over Five seemingly ignoring her, albeit not intentionally, she moved from her place besides him. Propping herself on her knees right besides the male facing him. Observing how he still, somehow, managed to have his nose stuck on that book reading intently without any care of what's going on around him.

After a short while (Y/N) finally took the book from Five's hands who, as expected, immediately protested. "(Y/N) stop it, I'm read-" he started but was cut short as the mentioned sat upon his lap facing him, straddling him with both legs on either side of him. The girl then proceeded to take his chin upon her fingers and brought his face closer to hers. "Can I... kiss you?" Finally asked the (H/C) haired girl, as she admired his handsome face. Five didn't hesitate and immediately nodded his head as a smirk formed on his lips.

"Is... is it weird that I've been waiting a long time for this?" Questioned (Y/N) in whisper as she caressed Fives lips with her thumb. Bidding her time as she was nervous to kiss the boy, after all it'd be her first kiss. To which Five chuckled and took (Y/N)'s hands on his before bringing them to his lips and leaving small kisses upon her knuckles.

"Believe me or not, I've been waiting for this ever since we met..." started five as he let out a small laugh without breaking eye contact with the girl. "I'd like to see  you try to out weird me after that." He finished jokingly. But refrained from laughing as he sensed how tense (Y/N) got. 'Shit, that must've sounded creepy' thought Five looking a bit concerned.

"I need to tell you something..." started (Y/N), to which Five relaxed a bit. Thankfully it was not what he said that made her like that, or maybe it somehow did. "I've been lying to you," he heard (Y/N) say which immediately snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Lying to me?" He repeated looking quite dumbfounded, as if what the (H/C) haired girl told him were impossible; and to him it was, or so he thought. "I'm sorry, just hear me out..." she started as Five let got of her hands, still a bit shocked from the news.

Next thing the girl knew, Five had teleported to the doorframe of the bedroom and started walking out. Leaving her all alone, but she wasn't letting him go like that. She had to explain everything to him, to let him know that she genuinely loves him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2020 ⏰

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