Brittana- Braids

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Brittany's hair ties kept popping. What's the point of a high ponytail if it stays in for .2 seconds? So about a week ago she started wearing a braid to practice! Of course, she couldn't wear a braid during games, competitions, or performances. High ponies were necessary for those as long as your hair is long enough, and she also didn't always have time to wait for Santana to do her hair.

Brittany had never learned how to braid. Her mother was always busy throughout Brittany's childhood, working, since her father Pierce could not be trusted in public or alone. Pierce Pierce is not a very sharp man, nor could he braid. Brittany figured out the rules of basic hairstyles by herself. Basic hairstyles did not include braids for Brittany. She wasn't the most intelligent herself, and braids were even more confusing than the alphabet after "M". So she didn't braid her hair.

Santana did!

Santana grew up braiding hair. She braided her dolls' hair for their weddings, her mom's hair when they watched TV, Brittany's hair when they met. Santana had been braiding Brittany's hair every time she had asked since they met years and years ago in William McKinley Middle School. When she asked Santana to braid her hair today though, another question came along.

"Why don't you do any of the other girls' hair when they ask, Santana?"

Have you ever just liked the way someone said your name for no apparent reason? Santana really liked the way Brittany said her name. Santana could listen to it on repeat. 

She knew that wasn't normal.. to like the way another girl says your name. To like the way Brittany's lips looked. To have looked at Brittany's lips so much she had an opinion on them. To look at Brittany every passing chance, like it was the last moment she could see. Santana knew she had a crush. She had known for a while.

'Girls aren't supposed to love girls,' she thought to herself. She reminded herself. It was so hard sometimes though. Her Abuela was persuasive about the wrongness or homosexuality, but watching Brittany was just more persuasive.

"Uh I don't know Brittany. I mean they all know how to braid their own hair, they just know I do it better." Santana finally replied.

"Good point, but I know you Santana," Brittany knew something had changed between her and Santana. Santana would re-do Brittany's hair until it was perfect, and she would apologize every time her nail barely touched Brittany's scalp.

"Did I do something wrong Santana?" Brittany continued.

"No, of course not, why would you think that?" Santana said as her fingers glided through the blonde's hair in front of her. Strand over strand, focusing on not messing up whilst making sure she was affirmative and comforting in her response. She cared about Brittany too much to hurt her emotionally or physically, so multitasking was her new favorite skill.

"I- well.. you've been acting kind of different recently. You're more patient with me and more agitated with those who get in  our way. I couldn't help but notice you glare at Kurt and Mercedes when they got the solos in the Madonna number that we would have gotten if they hadn't joined. What happened?"

Brittany truly didn't know what had changed with Santana. Was Santana being protective of her? Was Santana mad at her? Was Santana more patient so she didn't lose her cool at Brittany? She sure hoped it wasn't the last one. Brittany couldn't lose her best friend. Well, everyone was Brittany's best friend, really, but Santana? She was more than that. Brittany didn't know what, though. If there was one phrase to describe Brittany's situation right now, Brittany didn't know it. Brittany didn't know. She was in the dark, and there was nothing she was more scared of.


"Did I do something?" Brittany said again, eyes full of panic as she turned around, the second she felt the hair tie pop fully into place and the braid fall onto her back. All the other girls were shuffling out of the locker room at this point.

"Brittany no," Santana said, locking her pinkies with Brittany's to comfort her.

"Then what changed?"


"I did do something-" Brittany concluded when Santana paused and started.. looking guilty? "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I.. uhm.. Thank you for the braid-" Brittany was already walking out of the room, just hoping to get through practice without making Santana any more mad at her. She didn't see that Santana wasn't angry. Not until she realized Santana wouldn't let go of her pinky. 

Brittany turned to see Santana with her head hung to look at her own feet. That isn't Santana's angry behavior. What... what is this behavior?

"Santana what's wrong-"

"I like you," Santana said as she looked up.


"I really like you. Like, a lot. I don't want to ruin this. I don't want to ruin us, Brittany. I can't ruin us-" Santana was starting to ramble. She looked down at her feet again. The difference this time, was Brittany's reaction.

Brittany stepped towards Santana, lifting the Latina girl's chin and pressing their lips together. 

Not the reaction Santana expected, to say the least. To say more though, Santana wouldn't deny that Brittany's reaction had been one she had hoped for. One she had dreamed of.

"C'mon. We have practice," Brittany said, pulling away and flipping her braid over to in front of her shoulder. 

"We're continuing that later Brittany," Santana replied, following Brittany like a puppy onto the field, pinkies linked.

Nothing could ever beat the proud look on Sue Sylvester's face that day at practice.

Nothing until the one at Sue wore at their wedding.



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