Anthem of The Outcast

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This is just me journaling about my life and shit like that. I'm pretty sure no one really gives a fuck about what I have to say, but Imma do it anyways :3 Let me know if theres a certain topic I should talk about. I'm a very opinionated person >:D

It's official. I've recently become addicted to wattpad. I need help. Medication. SOMETHING. This obsession cant be normal! 

But thats not what I want to talk about. Lets face it, I'm pretty sure none of you wanted to hear about my unhealthy infatuation with a website. 

I wanted to talk about suicide. Depressing topic, I know. But it's important to me to share this. 

Today, I was just looking through wattpad, doing random shit, when I found a profile of a guy that had comitted suicide about a month ago. His best friend wrote on his wall thingy stating that he was now gone. 

I dont know who he is. I've never met him. I know nothing about him. I dont know why he did it, what he went through, what he was like. Nothing. At all. 

But I cried. I cried seeing all the people comment saying how they missed him, telling him to rest in peace, and talking about the way he was. I cried knowing that this stranger, this guy I dont know, was dead. 

After seeing this, I was compelled to write about my own experiences with suicide.

I've tried to kill myself before. Three different times, two different ways. With a blade the first, the second and third with pills. 

I was fortunate enough to be saved by my mother. She had found me passed out in my room, too sick to stand from the mixture and amount of pills I had taken only a few hours ago. Pale and weak. I was taken to the hospital immediatly, and was sent to the psych ward after I recovered. I got help. He didnt. 

I wish he was given the second chance that I was given. Hell, I had three second chances. 

I wanted to make this my first entry in this journal thingy that no one will probably read. 

I want people to know that I care, that I'm willing to listen. Whether I know you or not, I give a shit about what happens to you. I've been to hell and back to get where I am today, and if someones going through hell themselves and needs a complete stranger to talk to, then I want them to know that I'm here. I'm practically Dr. Phil with my friends, so why not help out some people I dont even know?

Unless you're a homophobic prick or a bitchy bully that pushed someone to do something like suicide or cutting. Then you can go ahead and fuck yourself. 

The guy I'm talking about is _SladeBelongsToShay_ he deserved to live and grow up with his friends and family who obviously care about him a lot. R.I.P Slade, I wish I got the chance to know you <33


"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle of their own"

"Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen"

"Things fall apart so other things can fall together"

Anthem of The OutcastWhere stories live. Discover now