𝒊𝒗. dirt pathways

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𝒓𝒚𝒂𝒏'𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒘

𝒓𝒚𝒂𝒏'𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒘

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    TODAY WAS JUST LIKE any other day

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TODAY WAS JUST LIKE any other day. Just making sure children don't fall off of the zip-line or slide, making sure people don't get lost in the corn-maze, etc. It personally wasn't as stressful as the others, but it still had a little more to do than usual.

I am exhausted. Being around children all day, who aren't your siblings, can completely wear you out. I truly do not get how my mother or father does it, with them having 5 children. Even though I am one myself, we can be a complete pain in the ass.

My shift was almost up for the day. I've never seen so many people purchase bottles of water in my lifetime other than today, considering how hot it was. In California, no matter what season, it will sit manage to be somewhat warm. I definitely don't mind it, along with another people, but it would be magical to at least have one chilly Winter or Fall.

The scent of popcorn and pumpkin spice had ran through my nostrils all day constantly. Which ended up with me receiving a pounding headache all afternoon. It's calmed down slightly, although if I smell either one of the things I noted any longer, I will loose it.

Walking down the dirt pathway from the Concession Building, a yawn left my mouth. My eyes watering became the result of it. I wiped my eyes and carried on walking towards the front ticket booth, where I knew my mother would most likely be.

A lot of people were still visiting the farm, weirdly enough. Most likely trying to round up all of their kiddos, or even still trying to pick out a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch. It wasn't that big of a deal, though, knowing they were going to leave before closing.

My red converse high-tops tapped against the brown dirt as I walked. I held my arms to my chest, the slight breeze gave me goosebumps as it kissed my skin.

With the sun setting, the sky created beautiful various shades of pink, orange, purple, etc. Californian sunsets were definitely a sight to see, and I am grateful to seen one almost every night.

I passed a group of various shapes of pumpkins on the ground before finally reaching the ticket booth area. I frowned, my mother was no where to be seen. "She's probably in the house," I thought to myself.

Biting my lip, I turned myself around.

Before I could even walk a few steps, I felt another body collide into mine. I almost fell to the ground, but I felt a pair of arms grab a hold mine. Goosebumps planted all across my skin. The smell of cologne was the only thing I could smell.

"Woah there." A familiar voice laughed. They helped me balance up straightly, and I felt my cheeks warm up from embarrassment a slight bit. I then had the chance to get a good look at their face.

The same boy from yesterday.

I felt myself get even more embarrassed as the seconds went on, before the silence ended by him asking me a question.

"Are you alright?" He questioned politely, shaking his head slightly so his brunette hair would leave his eyes. I gulped before replying, "Yeah, yeah. Thank you."

He grinned, giving me a nod.

"What are you doing here for a second day?" I asked, trying my hardest not to sound bitchy. I am very curious, as you can probably tell. My mind swarmed with questions over and over again just like yesterday, just giving me a even worse headache.

The boy laughed again, slightly. "Just bored, really. Had some extra time." I nodded my head, and we began to walk down the dirt pathway together, side by side.

He placed his hands in his two front pockets, before adding on to his reply, "And honestly, I wanted to see you again."

My cheeks became flushed once again. I had no idea why I am being normal, yet nervous around this boy I've only met yesterday.

"Why's that?"

My reply made him stop in his tracks, which ended in me doing the same. We stood face to face. I began tapping my left foot against the ground. He tilted his head a slight bit.

"One, I never learned your name," The brunette boy assured. "Two, you're a bit interesting." I smiled at him. I held my right out for him to shake, which I instantly regretted considering no people our age actually does that.

"I'm Ryan. And you?"

Shaking my hand firmly, which surprised me, he added, "I'm Louis."

The moon that watched Louis and I reflected against the pond in front of us. The atmosphere that surrounded us made the feeling one hundred times better.

"Oh and um, I'm interesting?"

Louis snickered, along with giving me a nod. "Yeah. Honestly."

We started picking up walking again, and it started growing chillier. As the night went on, the sun went lower and lower and it resulted in it fully setting.

I truly don't understand why I had such interest in getting to know a boy I just met. He is quite interesting as well, I may add. But, his charming personality might be the reason for my curiosity.

We ended up facing towards my family and I's farmhouse, which was in the front of the entire farm and behind the entire parking area. I knew the lights on in the kitchen meant dinner was ready, or happening in this very moment. It honestly bummed me out a bit.

I sighed, "As much as I really want to get you know more, Louis," I paused. "My family is probably wondering why I'm taking so long." I saw his happy eyes turn sad, surprisingly. And to be honest, I wasn't lying. I wanted to get to know this British boy as much as possible.

"Oh, of course." He smiled. His head then turned towards the home behind us. "Do you mind if I get your number? It's okay if you do-"

"That sounds great." I cut him off. Louis pulled out his phone, and as do I. We exchange numbers and say our goodbyes for the night.

I picked up my walking once again. My heart genuinely felt so happy and I had no clue why. I continued to have so many questions.

Walking up the steps to my porch, I watched him from afar step into a car, which I'm guessing is a Uber. The car soon left.

I opened the door to my home and was engulfed in the smell of freshly cooked dinner.

My smile never left my face in these entire moments, I swear. Closing the door behind me, I leaned back against it.

This feeling, whatever it is, feels weird yet awesome.

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