A New Villain Part 4

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Hey I need ideasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss thx-

Dabi POV:

Hawks has yet to wake up and I had to get up.  I was waiting patiently, playing with his wings and hair.  He started shivering, so I held him closer.  He must be having a nightmare.  He yelped and started crying.
"Hey Kei, KEI! It's okay! It's just a dream!"
He looked up at me and whimpered.  He snuggled closer to me and hid his face in my chest.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"I-it's just the past...but it's okay now, I have you now." He whispered out.
"Please, tell me if you're comfortable songbird."
I flinched at the sound of his name.
"What did he do?" I controlled my anger so I wasn't yelling.  But I could feel my body get hotter.  I had to keep it under control.
"H-he..." He burst out crying again and I held him close.  "j-just don't l-let him n-near m-me p-please" He managed to get out through sobs.  Whatever that bastard did must've been bad, the only thing Keigo cried about was me.
"I swear to fucking god if he lays one blasted finger on you I'll send him to hell." I said through gritted teeth.

He sat up and nodded.  He was still sniffling, and you could see that he was crying.  He got up and put on one of the many teal shirts I let him borrow.  He slipped on black sweatpants that had a teal-blue stripe down either side.  I got up and put on my black shirt that had teal writing on it that said 'Hot Stuff'.  I then put on dark blue sweatpants.  

"BIG BROTHERRRRR!" Toga squealed as she ran in.
Keigo looked over at me and smiled weekly.
"Hey Crazy, what's up?"
"Tomura told me to tell you that Hawks-kun has to tell us if he has any scars!"
"Uhhhh why???"
"Well all of us have a scar somewhere and Tomura was wondering if Hawks-kun did!"
"Uhhh ok, we'll be right out."
She skipped out humming a random tune.  Keigo looked at me frightened.
"It's nothing...what if...nevermind..."
"If you say so"
I took his hand and guided him out to the bar.  I stood next the couch, where Tomura sat.  I wrapped an arm around him pulling him closer to my side.
"AWWWWW YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!!!" Toga squealed.
I scoffed at her and rolled my eyes. Keigo chuckled.
"So Crazy said you wanted to know if Hawks has any scars?"
"Yep." Tomura replied.
Hawks took a shaky breath.
"I-i do have a few scars." His voice cracked and I held him tighter.
"May I see them?" Tomura asked.
Hawks visibly stiffened and his eyes widened. He inhaled sharply.
"Do you have any I can see?"
"I-i...well i have a singular scar on my left arm?" 
"May I see?"
He extended his arm and you could see a faint, but there, scar that came from his knuckles to the middle of his forearm.
"May I ask why I can't see the rest?"
Hawks let out a squeak as a response.
"Oh Tomura you're so dumb!" Toga laughed. "Obviously it's because-
"OK ENOUGH" I yelled.
"Aw no you're fun" She pouted.
"Okay, yeah I'm dumb, cause I still don't get it."
I looked over at Keigo and gasped.  He was silently letting tears fall.
"Keigo! what's wrong??"
"d-don't let him n-near me ev-ver" He whimpered.
"I promise you that son of a bitch will never lay a hand on you again!"
"What is going on?" Tomura asked.
"FUCK OFF" I yelled.  I didn't mean to snap but I did.

At that lovely moment Overhaul had walked in.
"Kai-san!" Toga cheered.
"What the fuck Dabi?! Cool OFF!!" He yelled at me.
"And I said FUCK OFF!"
"Dabi..."  Hawks hugged me and I froze.
Overhaul looked at us like he expected me to rip Keigo's head off.  Instead I hugged him back tightly.  Overhaul's eyes widened and Toga snickered.  Tomura stuck his tongue out and frowned.
"At least something calms him down now..." Tomura said.
"Uhm...can someone explain??" Kai asked.
"The ship is sailing~~~" Toga said.
"Stfu or get burned."
"Whatever Dabi." She replied
"The ship? Don't you ship him with everyone?"
"Well, we used to until I found out he was gay~"
"Uhm should I even ask?"
"Nope." I said.
"Uh ok..." He sat next to Tomura and wrapped an arm around him.
"Yes songbird?"
"Do you think..."
"Well I know he's technically your dad..."
"Can we kill him?"
"I don't know birdie...I'm sure Shoto, despite what my father did, would be sad..."
"Okay...oh did you hear what Shoto's nickname is?"
I chuckled. "Very original"
Keigo walked back into our room and whatever he was doing caused a ton of stuff to fall.

-Time skip~15 minutes later-

Keigo walked out holding the dyed feather.
"What were you doing?"
"Why is there a black feather?" Overhaul asked.
"We tried dying it." Keigo said.
"We?" Tomura asked smirking.
"I-i stfu." Keigo replied.
Overhaul raised his eyebrows.
"Anyway, I tried to replicate the color." He plucked a feather from one of his wings. "I did not dye this, but watch, Dabi hold this."
He handed me the dyed feather.  He glared at me as if he was telling me don't try anything or I'll rip you're head off.  I nodded. He looked at the normal red feather he was holding and squinted at it.  He seemed like he was focusing.  In a matter of seconds the feather has turned black. 
"YES! Ok ok now heres the cool part."
He placed the now turned black feather in his wings and the feathers around it started turning black one by one. In a few moments his wings were black.
"See look it's so cool!!!"
He seemed really excited. Toga was fascinated and she had come up to Hawks, looking closely at the feathers.
"Hey Hawks-kun?"
"Yes Toga-chan?"
"You missed one."
She pointed and he made an 'ah' sound.
"That ones not gonna change."
He blushed slightly but didn't get awkward this time.
"Because a while ago I burned it myself."
This time he got all flustered.  I smirked at him.
"I-i n-no reason..."
"What if I touched it?"
His response to this was darting behind me. I laughed.
"I- ohmygodWEREYOUFRIENDSBEFORE?????" Toga squealed.
Hawks looked down and shuffled his feet awkwardly. I smirked again.
"Yes, before I faked my death, we were friends."
"REALLY OMG How close were you????"
"Well, we were best friends..." My voice trailed off realizing that at the time we both had crushes on each other. I glanced at Hawks and he looked deep in thought.

"DABI!" Toga waved her hand in front of my face.  "I called you three times!  What were you thinking?"
"Oh nothing..."
"Were you closer than friends?"
"TOGA! And no, actually we weren't."
To this I screamed and blasted fire at her.
"Hey! You could've hurt me!"
"Thats the point."
"I- So let me guess-" Tomura started.
"No." Keigo interrupted.
"I- okay then-."
Keigo dragged me to the door of the hideout.
"Keigo what are you doing??"
He picked me up and flew us to the roof.
He landed and set me down.

"May I ask why you burned that feather and kept it? Instead of replacing it."
"Technically I didn't burn it the first time. I only burned it the second time."
"Who burned it the first time?"
"ME?! WHEN?!"
"In your sleep. Thank god it was in your sleep..." He obviously didn't expect me to hear that part so I let it drop.
"So why did you burn it?"
"I-i decided to burn it without thinking about it."
"What do you mean by that?"
"I was thinking about you...and I ended up burning it..."
"But why?"
I grabbed him by his throat. I stared him dead in the eyes.
"Tell me or I'll find out myself."
He ignored me.  So i lit my other hand on fire and brought it closer to his wings. The flames licked at the wings and soon both of them were completely covered in blue flames.  They turned back to their original color, red. I could see him clench his jaw and bite down hard.  He closed his eyes and his facial expression changed to a look of 'oh fuck it' and he unclenched his jaw.  Almost immediately sounds left his mouth and he looked at me helplessly, but his eyes were clouded over.



"Oh I see~"

~To Be Continued~

CLiFfHangEr mUaHhaHahahA


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