A New Villain

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Hey so this sucks im so sorry.

Dabi POV:

I walked around the corner of an alleyway and leaned against the wall.  I was so tired but that stupid hero was on my tail.  I was trying to lose him.  I walked around a couple more corners.  Ok I think i lost the her-  My thoughts were stopped by being slammed into the alleyway's cold brick walls.  I lit my hands on fire immediately and tried to shove the person away. Damnit that stupid hero had caught me. 

"Now now Dabi let's not put up a fight. I just wanted to talk" The bird man said.

"Oh yeah?! By slamming me against a wall?! PISS OFF BIRD BRAIN" 

"Well you were running away so I had to do something.  And my name is Hawks, nice to meet you too." He remarked.

"...why would a popular hero like you want to talk to a scumbag like me?" I asked, suspicious of his motives.

"Well, could we talk somewhere else like not here?" He said.

"....Fine." I dragged him along to a street across from our base.  I blindfolded him and took him inside.  When we got inside i took off his blindfold.

"Dabi! You're back! OOOOooOoO wHos that???? Is it ur boyfriend???" Toga asked


I heard a laugh beside me.  Hawks. Laughed.


"Oh nothing..." His facial features completely changed to one of hurt and sorrow.  "You just uhm...reminded me of someone I knew...thats all."

"U-uhm-" I started.

"DABI WHY IS THERE A HERO IS HERE?!" Shigaraki yelled.

"Jeez Tomura he just wanted to talk."



Shigaraki mumbled curses as he walked off.  I turned to Hawks.

"So birdy what did you want to talk about?"

"I have a name! And it's about my boss.  I was doing research on you actually when i stumbled across Endeavors file."

"Don't say that bastards name here."

"Ok ok chill.  Anyways, I found out he abused his children.  I also found out that...that..T-to..." Hawks sniffled.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah..." He looked down. "Well. a-anyways... T-touy-ya Todoroki was actually alive.  Before i found this out...Endeavor told me to spy on you and if I had the chance...to kill you.  I never had the intention of actually doing so.  Anyway I-i just don't wanna be one of those e-evil h-heroes!" He was sobbing at this point and I was standing there awkwardly not knowing what to do.  He had always looked familiar but when he started crying I knew it was Keigo.

"H-hey Hawks...don't cry it's okay..."  I stood watching, unsure of what to do.

"Hey guys what's u- OH there's a hero in here!- Is he okay???- i don't care- can I help??" Twice asked.

"U-uh i don't know how to help him. He started crying when he mentioned....oh...uhm no you can just go to your room." I said.

"O-oh ok.- good luck- no bad luck- stfu-" Ah Twice arguing with himself.

"...Hey bird guy?" Toga asked as Hawks' crying calmed down.

"Y-yeah?" He responded.

"Do you mind telling us why you were crying? Only if you want..."

DabiHawksWhere stories live. Discover now