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               The sun was already setting as Phinks strolled down the city streets to his favorite cafe. The city was illuminated by signs to different shops and restaurants, busy people were hustling, and it was noisy. The wind blew into Phinks direction, but the blonde man was fine with that. As he walked into the cafe, he was greeted by a welcoming smell of pastries and coffee. Phinks went up to the counter to order, 

"Hello Phinks. The usual? Or would you like to try out the new limited edition drink, Kurta?" The black haired man smiled eerily.

"Heyy Chrollo! I'll take the usual." Phinks chuckled.

Chrollo nodded, looking back and telling the order to what seems to be a new worker. Phinks was interested, why would they get a little boy to work at a coffee shop? Deep in thought, he walked over to his usual seat, where a girl with pink hair was cleaning.

"Machi! Who's the little boy behind the counter?" He whispered to her.

"Little boy? You... You mean Feitan?" Machi muttered, an annoyed look on her face.

"Yeah yeah, shouldn't handling burning hot coffee be dangerous?"

"He's 28."

Phinks choked a bit in disbelief. No way. He thought about it for a bit, and decided that it makes some sense, but it would still be nice to clarify. Suddenly, he heard his name being called out. His order was ready! Feitan was standing there with Phinks order. As Feitan saw the tall man approaching, he muttered "Order. Here." and went to go back to his work. 

"Wait uhm- Feitan!" Phinks called out.

Feitan turned around with a puzzled look.

"Are you really 28?"

"Yes. I 28." The short male muttered and went back to his work.

Phinks took a sip of his espresso, staring at Feitan working.

"I'd like to get to know him better."

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