C4: "The power of knowledge"

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Many years passed after the incident of the game, becoming a very popular game among children in school; because they all wanted their brothers and friends to be prepared for what was going to happen. In addition, this ended up being used to teach about economics and politics, so that they realized that some parents washed their children's heads with their ideas; so that they believed they were theirs.

Many felt sad when they met someone in this situation, because it was difficult to make him react many times there was no case; nor were there people who wanted to insist too much on who decided to have their brain closed. Thanks to this, more than one generation learned how to have their opinion, understanding that if they did not learn about how things are now, they could not prepare for the future.

Many politicians deceive the younger generations by telling them that the previous government did things wrong or that it is repressive, in truth this is not the case and thanks to this more than one country ended up suffering at the hands of the corrupt; all because of those who preferred to impose their ideas than to make their children aware of having their own judgment. Many took this game to other schools, just to prevent adults from taking advantage of being able to impose on them; taking advantage of the fact of having more power than them.

Not all were bad, only that there were those who did evil, many parents did it without being conscious; after a while a teacher gave credit for creating the game. Those who knew the truth were furious, especially since it was hard to believe that this was devised by a child; in addition, they agreed at her school to hide the truth.

She was not surprised by this, she reminds her of the time that teacher hit her and they agreed to cover him, she knew that school was rotten, luckily there were no other types of abuse; she wouldn't let this school rot any further. She smiled after that man proclaimed that he invented it, she had something planned to deal with it; this had fallen round.

However, he still would not make his move, she had sent a book to a literary contest with the content of the game; its date was long before that of the self-proclaimed creator. However she would let him talk and talk, in this way it would be difficult for him to lie later; she would make sure all these despicable beings fell together.

She felt a little guilty about stealing the text that was the winner of the previous contest because she remembered it from her past, she doubted that she will win after changing the content by adding the game; luckily in the original it talked about one. However, he might not win after changing it, or so he thought after receiving the notification that he had managed to win.

She had done it before even proposing the game, which would make it impossible for that professor to justify himself; she felt like she could finally get back a little. She suffered a lot due to the mistrust caused by this event, not being able to cope with other people; Besides, she had to do nothing, this guy who only hit her would run other types of abuse.

He never knew it happened but it is possible that he also covered it, the luck of being the brother of the school principal is that he could be a patan if he wanted to; this would be his teacher in his last year of school. So there was still time to face it, for now she would increase her knowledge; I would earn where I could money.

As in the past, even if it was a cooking contest in order to generate an income, she would participate, she was confident now that she had the experience of her past failures; In addition, she studied a lot of the winners that there were to be able to have more idea. She suspected that many times she fell it had something to do with Candela, she had contacts everywhere.

One of her uncles was deeply involved in politics and loved her very much, her father was a high ranking officer in the police force and her mother was the owner of a powerful company. It was almost a super rich ball, however everyone in his family started from the bottom; however she never appreciated it

She, however, became obsessed with a boy from her school, used to being able to get what she wanted; It bothered her to be ignored. On top of this, this boy was super mature for his age as well as being the most coveted in the school, most likely the damage he did to him was to satisfy the ego of him looking down on her for being a rich woman.

He always despised her for acting like a spoiled but out of necessity he had to bow his head for the good of his family, then she appeared in front of him while he continued doing his evil deeds; making her look more and more desirable than whoever wasted wasted his time on things that produced nothing is to say her.

She hated Candela a lot for what she did to her, as well as hating everyone who allowed her to do the disasters she did. Sincerely, she would like to understand people who do evil for pleasure.

She understood that Candela was such shit after all she was spoiled, besides that she was a psychopath otherwise she would not do all the evil she did; not to mention that she went through life making everything revolve around her. He liked knowing that he was needed and humiliating others, making them feel less and stepping on them just because he could.

She did not understand why that person was evil for so long, she knows that there are people who, as they are raised, are incapable of realizing that what they were taught is wrong or that their way of being is wrong; However, in her situation, not knowing would be impossible.

Candela suffered a little in her life because her parents were not paying attention to her, so she clearly understood what pain was; furthermore she was fully capable of acting empathetic. So I understood on the subject, this woman is really the worst; making women look bad by his example.

This kind of person doesn't even deserve to be called human, she hated that people like Candela existed; who left a bad image to the world by grouping everyone in the same bag just because they knew it. There are those who say bad luck for knowing one type of person, but she several times caused them to say they are all the same; it's the same as a man being a jerk causing everyone to be branded a jerk.

-forget it, just concentrate on learning what they told you- she told her classmates while they tried to cheer her up, she distributed their jacks to them on everything she had studied writing several study books; in them he learned a language while practicing something familiar.

For example, a math book with certain things written in English and others in Spanish, increasing as the book finished the amount of things in English; it was a good way to learn and practice the language. Everyone was grateful for this even though they had their ways of practicing, however their ways were not very good and it was good to have her books or notes at hand; they were really a good guide.

Besides, the way she put it was not boring, making them want to read to the end; After reading it, they returned it and treated it with great care. Not letting adult thieves see it.

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