C12: "The little satisfaction of the villain"

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Time has passed since Daniel entered school, but thanks to Blenda's notes in the library he was able to catch up; He was grateful for this so as not to waste years of his life at school just for repeating. Something that almost happened in his past life actually took many from 3rd to 4th, and he didn't finish them until 6th, at that time he became more bitter due to his perfectionism; He will not tolerate carrying subjects for someone who must do well.

- I did not understand this well- Daniel points out something from the note to Blenda, this was normal from time to time someone came to ask him; so Cande was not paying attention. However, because he was a new partner and wanted to feel the center, she had already taken him to bed by letting Blenda know; she was depressed about this a lot.

However, Candela thought it was because of one of the previous boyfriends, she did not relate him to Daniel with whom she only played; she was happy to confirm that it caused sadness in Blenda. In doing so, she decided to get away from Daniel to continue bragging about having stolen something from her, although she didn't know who exactly; unfortunately this was only a small satisfaction for her.

She would like to be more successful but at the moment she couldn't, she also had to make up for lost time with the objectives; so she left her boyfriends making them beg her. By the end of the year they were blaming themselves for losing her, knowing that she messed with others because of her; never recriminate anything.

The capture targets despised her a lot for this, they didn't quite know what kind of mental trick she had played on her boyfriends to make them feel that way; worse they knew that she was the only one to blame. They had seen it with their own eyes, how hypocritical and manipulative she is; all due to the carelessness of her who sought to be popular.

It would be impossible for her to accomplish anything with them after that, but she didn't know; especially because there were voices that told her that the others were wrong and not her. All clear for manipulation or interest, however luckily there was a lot of entity that knew the truth; over time they let their ex's know out of grief.

The year ended and Daniel thanks to Blenda and the study group had made many friends, he enjoyed his time with Cande but he did not mind that it will end. He had already seen what an ugly person she was and that person only served to play, if they continued playing it would not be good for him because he could be manipulated by her; although he saw it unlikely since he knew of his evil.

He enjoyed going out to clubs and meeting girls for a night, which helped him not feel so attached to her; however this caused Blenda to be sad. According to her, the mountain had escaped from her hands, thanks to this Candela could feel that she had won over it until the end of the year; believing that she was sad because the love she longed for was stolen from her and it was another girl's turn.

Although it was not enough for Candela, she could not eliminate her and take revenge by making her suffer more; but seeing her so depressed without smiling once in all of the year was worth it. But she was her small victory since according to her, Blenda deserved to suffer even more and she would see if she could do it next year or not.

The most important thing at the moment was to make up for lost time, it would hurt him in the future; like when she wants to get a job or when she gets it. She was already plotting bad ends for poor Blenda, who lost her center because of what happened with Daniel.

On vacation she didn't see him because they hadn't gotten so close, but she knew about him thanks to his friends who sometimes went out with him and other boys to dance; she decided to ignore what he was doing for the moment and focus on her goal again. She reflected on her depression because of her friends, who believed it was due to problems at home; she wouldn't solve anything by being sad.

So he continued in the plan to weaken Candela's available weapons, after the holidays he was finally able to acquire the company of her mother. So now he would only have in his favor the power of his father and uncle, however due to lack of money they were beginning to lose power; putting more pressure on Candela to pursue targets.

She had to conquer her as quickly as possible, at least take them to bed and get pregnant so she could get some money from them; this way you could help your family. In this way she could maintain her lifestyle, which she was worried about losing; Powerless in what way would they persecute Blenda and torture her?

With this way of being and thinking she continued, now however she moved with caution; since he did not have the support that he used to have to step on others. She was yelled at and taunted by her family, because they told her that she had wasted her time in her nonsense; instead of capturing the targets.

If she had done it they would not be in their current position, the truth even if she had done it this would only have delayed the inevitable. Blenda made sure to strengthen her businesses and targets, so that Candela couldn't boycott them from within and steal their capital; just like he did last time, this time it would be impossible.

However, this was something that others were completely ignorant of, it was something that it was impossible for them to know; Blenda was very cautious and discreet so that no one knew about her wealth for real. Not even her friends who only knew that she knew important people, just thanks to her acquaintances is that they had the ability to grow; however they were simple acquaintances that she presented to them nothing more.

The rest depended on them, when in reality everything was orchestrated by her through her employees; without even them knowing that they were dealing with their boss. In this way he escaped from the clutches of Candela's father and uncle, who wanted to kill the owner of the rival company; However, due to the lifestyle they led, they were forced to sell without being able to hunt.

This made them frustrated and furious, taking their anger and frustration out on Candela. Which the truth had no fault

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