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Morgan's POV:
The team had been working on finding Reid for the last six hours but they haven't been able to find any new leads. I have been sitting at Garcia's monitor the whole night, not taking my eyes off Spencer despite my exhaustion. He has been passed out ever since he got high but he was beginning to stir now.

My eyes were about to close but I sprung back alert when I heard Spencer's sleepy moans coming from the computer speaker. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who had heard him wake up because a few seconds later Logan walked on screen.

"Good morning sunshine!" He sang to Reid walking over to him. "It seems your team hasn't found any leads on you yet and I'm bored ... So do you want to have some fun?" He said picking up a knife from the rusty torture table beside him.

My muscles clenched as I saw Reid tremble and shake his head while Kras traced the knife around his body, psychologically playing with him. After he superficially scratched Spencer's skin for a minute or two, he began to speak again.

"I'm going to stab you now. Seven times, one time for each member of your team." He said snickering. "Then," he said continuing to trace the knife around his torso, "I'm going to wait here and watch. Leaving your team only about an hour to find you. Well, alive!" He yelled digging the knife into Reid's side below his ribs. Reid let out a quiet scream as I loudly yelled explicit words throughout the precinct, running to inform the team of the new ticking time bomb on Spencer's life. When the team and I came back to the livestream - the screen was black.

Spencer's POV:
Every time Logan stabbed me he said the name of one of my former team members.
By the time he got to Morgan, I was barely conscious, I had lost tons of blood and my body was going numb.
"And you," he said digging the knife into my lower stomach one last time, "Dr. Spencer Reid."

And as the blade entered my body, my whole life flashed before my eyes.

I remembered the bullying at school. The day other high schoolers strapped me to a goal post naked, leaving me there to be found by a faculty member. I remembered coming home after that in the middle of the night, my schizophrenic mother not realizing anything had happened; she didn't even realize I was late.

I remembered Tobias Hankel drugging and torturing me against my will only to be rescued when I was on the verge of death. I remembered my drug addiction, PTSD, and nightmares that followed. Feeling as if there was no way out; those feelings eventually leading to my suicide attempt. I remembered the fear I felt waking up in a hospital not knowing anything at all, not even my own name. I remembered my time on the streets, being ignored by almost every passing stranger only to be thrown a quarter every hour or so out of pity.

There was so much darkness it was hard to see the light, but soon I was able to remember all the beautiful things in my life. I remembered making my way to the BAU as the youngest agent ever, saving lives daily. I remembered pasta nights at Rossi's and the unexplainable love I felt for my team. I remembered my mother and how proud she was of her son; how proud she was of me. Lastly, I remembered falling in love with JJ and feeling extremely lucky that I got to spend many of my hours on earth with her.

I heard sounds and shouting in the back of my head, but I didn't have the strength to stay awake, so I gave in to the dark void my body desperately wanted to dive into.

Garcia was magically able to track down the location of the livestream to a warehouse close to the precinct. She tried to explain to me how she did it, but it made no sense to me. When we arrived at the warehouse Logan was just sitting in a chair facing a corner. At first, we weren't sure what he was watching but once Morgan ran up to handcuffed him, we realized he was watching Spencer die. I ran over to Spencer's side and checked his pulse, it was barely there. The knife was still plunged into his lower stomach and a pile of blood was surrounding him.

"We need a medic in here! NOW!" I said on the verge of tears, lightly slapping Spence's face trying to wake him up.

His hazel eyes fluttered open as he made eye contact with me.

"Hey, Spence. That's right keep your eyes open." I said soothingly. He nodded before opening his mouth trying to speak, choking on blood.

"Save your energy, ok?" I said but he shook his head.

"I lo-I love you." He said as he fought to stay awake.

"What do you mean... Spence, did you remember?" I said stunned.

Right before he closed his eyes again, he nodded as he smiled through his bloodstained teeth. The smile slowly faded as his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

"No, open your eyes, Spence. I love you!" I said as I leaned over to check his pulse.


Morgan's POV:
I tried not paying attention to Reid's condition while I was arresting Kras, but it was impossible not to. I focused on the fact that that JJ was tending to Spencer while I put Kras in a cop car to take him to the station. I was already anxious, but when I heard JJ screaming my name I was terrified. I sprinted to where Spence was, anticipating my worst nightmares.

"Morgan, Morg-an, he has n-no pulse!" JJ screamed in between sobs.

"God damn it! Where the hell is the medic?!" I said kneeling beside the kid, starting to administer CPR to him.

"They're 3 minutes out..." JJ whispered.

I cringed internally as I continued pumping on his chest, praying that his heart would start beating again. It felt like I was waiting years before the medics arrived, and when they did, they had to push me away from my best friend. I shakily stood up as they took out a shock machine, my hands dripping with Spencer's blood.

"Clear!" One of the medics shouted as the other one held pressure on Spencer's many wounds. Nothing happened after the first shock. "Cmon kid!" I thought as my legs wobbled.

"Again, clear!"

This time when nothing happened I could feel my world unraveling; I couldn't bear to be strong anymore so I let out a deep sob as my knees buckled to the ground. The two medics gave each other a look before one whispered, "One more time."

I had never had a solid relationship with God for many personal reasons, but when I heard them whisper that, I prayed harder than I had in my entire life. It was the only thing I could do, I had no control. I didn't know if I believed in God, but I knew that I couldn't lose my best friend - my brother - again.

When they shocked him again a slow, unsteady heartbeat appeared on the monitor. After that, the medics moved promptly strapping him into a gurney and running to the ambulance. Usually, they only let one loved one ride with the patient but due to the severity of Spencer's injuries, they let both me and JJ ride with him.

There wasn't much the medics could for Spencer outside of an operating room, they just had to keep him breathing and his heart beating. However, even those two tasks were hard to accomplish.

"He's in respiratory distress from damage to the chest wall, we will probably need to intubate him." Said one of the medics as she pulled out an intubation kit. "Evan," she said referring to her colleague, "Administer Spencer 20ccs of whatever muscle relaxant you have available." Evan nodded, injecting the medicine into Reid's arm over old track marks. You could hear JJ's sniffles as she squeezed Spencer's hand, she still hadn't let go of it. The female medic made eye contact with JJ and was about to speak until the machines around Spencer started beeping more rapidly.

"His pulse oxygen is dangerously low, we have to intubate now," Evan said provoking the female medic to start doing so. The procedure was quick and I knew Spencer wasn't in pain, but watching the medics pump air down his throat through a tube made me feel sick. I was hardly holding it together and JJ was two seconds away from falling apart.

We soon arrived at the hospital and were met with a herd of trauma surgeons who ushered Spencer away to a trauma operating room.

The rest of the team was already there when we entered the waiting room; everyone was on the verge of tears.

"He'll make it." I announced trying to be strong for the team, "He has to."

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